
一种新的分析测试已经在英国推出,它可以通过简单的尿液样本对一种罕见的癌症形式进行敏感、特异和高效的预测分析。ACC类固醇分析服务将由位于伯明翰的AltaBioscience公司销售,该公司拥有伯明翰大学的这项专利技术的独家许可。 类固醇分析测试有望改善肾上腺皮质癌(ACC)的诊断,这是一种高度侵袭性的肾上腺癌症,它制造并控制体内的类固醇激素水平。 早期诊断对肾上腺皮质癌患者来说至关重要:治疗方案很少,5年生存率从疾病早期诊断者的65%下降到后期诊断者的10%以下。 目前的诊断程序依赖于CT/MRI成像或组织活检–这两种方法都很耗时和昂贵,而且依赖于可能不明确的指标,而该检验是这方面的一个重大进展。这种新的检验方法准确地量化了尿液中多达32种类固醇激素和代谢物,提供了一个 “激素指纹”,然后与一个包含良性和恶性肾上腺疾病患者资料的综合数据库进行比较。 与参考数据库的比较提供了尿液中类固醇代谢物的详细情况,作为肾上腺皮质癌(ACC)的生物标志物,产生了一份详细的恶性肿瘤可能性的报告。该测试是一种非侵入性的分析,支持临床医生对ACC进行诊断,并迅速提示治疗的需要。该数据库由该大学内分泌、糖尿病和代谢中心的Wiebke Arlt和Paul Stewart教授开发,他们确定了一套能够区分肾上腺皮质癌(ACC)和肾上腺皮质腺瘤(ACA)的尿液标志物。 伯明翰大学的Wiebke Arlt教授说。”尿液类固醇分析提供了肾上腺肿瘤的详细类固醇指纹,可以帮助确定肿瘤是无害还是癌症。与现有的方法相比,这种测试有几个优点,因为它简单、无创和无辐射。我很高兴这种由大学代谢和系统研究所开发的测试现在可以用于临床,以便更早、更有效地诊断肾上腺癌。” Alta Bioscience的运营总监Marion Peak评论说。”到目前为止,这种测试只提供给研究人员和临床研究机构。然而,我们的尿液类固醇分析服务,包括更具体的ACC类固醇测试,现在已获得ISO 17025:2005认证,我们很高兴能够更广泛地提供给处于病人护理第一线的临床医生。” 本文来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除。来源:medicalxpress.com/news/2016-09-adrenal-cancer.html


一个国际科学家团队,包括转化基因组研究所 (TGen) 的科学家,已经发现了一种新的潜在治疗方法,可用于治疗一种称为肾上腺皮质癌(ACC)的罕见且致命的癌症。 在今天发表在科学杂志《Cancer Cell》上的一项研究中,研究人员对 ACC(肾上腺皮质癌)进行了广泛的基因组分析。 目前 ACC的治疗方案几十年来没有改变,也不是治愈性的。 “这是对这种罕见肿瘤类型进行的最全面的基因组表征之一,”TGen 癌症和细胞生物学部的助理教授、该研究的作者之一蒂莫西·惠特塞特博士说。 “这项研究应该为新的治疗策略和临床研究提供理论依据和验证,为 ACC 患者提供可能更好的治疗。” 该研究是癌症基因组图谱 (TCGA) 的一部分,该计划由美国国立卫生研究院 (NIH) 监督,旨在生成主要类型癌症关键分子变化的全面、多维图谱。 “这些数据对 肾上腺癌的诊断和预测结果具有重要意义。它还使我们能够深入探讨疾病的生物学,以了解这些新基因突变如何促进肾上腺癌的进展和形成” 资深作者 Gary D. Hammer 博士 (密歇根大学综合癌症中心的 Millie Schembechler 肾上腺癌教授)这样说道。 ACC 研究检查了来自四大洲六个国家的 91个肿瘤样本,提供了对这种疾病的全球观察。 本研究的主要发现之一是确定了 ACC 的第三类或亚型。 该研究表明,ACC 的三种亚型对患者的治疗结果有显着差异,并且基于它们不同的分子生物标志物,可以帮助确定每位患者的最佳治疗方案。 “这种三级分级系统的临床实施将代表患者护理的真正进步,”报告说。 另一个关键发现是,许多肾上腺肿瘤经历了全基因组加倍——基因中的每条染色体都会复制并产生第二个拷贝的现象。 这反映了癌症基因组的不稳定性,这在肾上腺癌中尤为突出。 该研究还确定了可能驱动ACC肿瘤的形成和发展的其他基因。而根据对临床试验和美国食品和药物管理局批准的癌症药物的审查,该研究确定了51个可能为新疗法提供目标的基因改变。 Whitsett博士说:”我们希望这些结果说明,整合分子和临床病理数据可以为ACC患者提供更精确的治疗决策,”他和TGen的同事们一起对ACC的细胞通路、临床病理数据和整体疾病专业知识进行了分析。 除手术和放射线外,ACC的标准治疗方法是使用一种叫做米托坦的化合物,它是DDT的化学近亲,美国在1972年禁止将其作为杀虫剂。肾上腺负责制造几种关键的激素,包括那些应对压力和维持正常血糖水平所需的激素。虽然在ACC患者中使用米托坦可以减少肿瘤,但它并不能提供治愈,而且有很大的副作用。这些患者需要新的和更好的治疗方法。 发表在《癌症细胞》上的题为《肾上腺皮质癌的综合泛基因组特征》的研究由美国国家癌症研究所和国家人类基因组研究中心协调,并由美国国立卫生研究院资助。 TGen的另一项研究发现了ACC中基因的表达方式 在3月10日发表在PLOS ONE杂志上的另一项关于ACC的研究中,TGen的研究人员使用了一种调查DNA甲基化的新方法–细胞用来控制基因如何表达的许多机制之一,以确定与肾上腺癌症有关的新基因和细胞通路。 “使用’离散化方法’,即根据DNA甲基化水平对样本进行分组,我们能够更精确地了解哪些DNA甲基化变化会导致ACC的异常基因和细胞通路表达,”TGen综合癌症基因组学部门的助理教授、该研究的资深作者Bodour Salhia博士说。”对我们数据的这一分析揭示了关于基因如何被调控的新信息,特别是重要的肿瘤抑制基因如何被关闭并允许癌症生长”。 Salhia博士说,《PLOS Read more...

Adrenal Cancer Treatment

Following a diagnosis of adrenal cancer, there are several treatment options that may be used. Each of these techniques has unique advantages and disadvantages that will make it preferable for some cases and not others. As adrenal cancer is relatively rare, it can be worthwhile to collaborate with other endocrine specialists to discuss the best treatment options for the particular case. The treatment of adrenal cancer typically involves a multidisciplinary team a may include surgeons, endocrinologists, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, nurses, psychologists, social workers, and other health professionals. Surgery The most common treatment for adrenal cancer is adrenalectomy or surgical removal of the adrenal gland. In this procedure, the cancer is removed as much as possible, including areas where the cancer has spread to such as nearby lymph nodes. The procedure can be performed in two main ways: through an incision in the back below the ribs or an incision in the front of the abdomen. The incision in the back is useful to remove small tumors but can be difficult for larger tumors. As such, the incision in the front of the abdomen is the most common method used in practice. If the cancer has metastasized to other areas of the body, such as the liver, surgical removal of these secondary tumors may also be needed. For small adrenal tumors, a laparoscope can also be inserted into the adrenal gland to view the tumor and remove it. This is most commonly used for smaller tumors and helps to reduce recovery time. However, it cannot be used for larger tumors as the whole tumor should be removed in one piece to reduce the risk of recurrence. Radiation therapy Radiotherapy, which involves a focused beam of high-energy radiation, can be used to target the region of the cancerous cells in the adrenal gland. This is usually used as adjuvant therapy, in addition to other techniques such as surgery. There are two main types of radiation therapy that may be used: external beam radiation therapy and internal radiation therapy (brachytherapy). External beam radiation therapy uses a machine outside of the body to direct the radiation towards the adrenal gland. The radiation is usually administered once or twice a day, five days a week for a treatment period of approximately 6 weeks. In this type of radiation therapy, the surrounding tissue that the radiation passes through before it reaches the tumor is also affected. Treatment times are kept short to minimize this, but some adverse effects may be experienced. Internal radiation therapy, also known as brachytherapy, uses small pellets of radioactive material, which are placed inside the body next to or inside the tumor. This is usually left inside the body for a few days then removed. The localization of the radiation helps to reduce exposure to the surrounding tissues. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy for patients with adrenal cancer may be administered via intravenous injection or oral medications. This technique is usually reserved for patients with stage 4 adrenal cancers because it can help to destroy cancer cells in several parts of the body simultaneously. For cancer contained in the adrenal gland, surgical removal is usually preferred. Mitotane is a common chemotherapeutic agent used for adrenal gland because it can block adrenal gland hormone production and destroys cancers cells. It is particularly useful for cancers caused by excessive hormone production. Like other chemotherapeutic agents, it also destroys some healthy cells in this process. Other chemotherapeutic agents, which are often used in combination with mitotane, may include: Cisplatin Doxorubicin Etoposide Streptozocin Paclitaxel 5-fluorouracil Vincristine Other medications There are several other medications that may be used in the treatment of adrenal cancer, primarily to reduce the production of hormones related to the tumor. These may include: Ketoconazole and Metyrapone to reduce the production of adrenal steroid hormones Spironolactone to decrease the effects of aldosterone Mifepristone to decrease the effects of cortisol Tamoxifen, Toremifene, and Fulvestrant to block the effects of estrogen Article Source: https://www.news-medical.net/health/Adrenal-Cancer-Treatment.aspx
