
  肾上腺皮质癌(ACC)是一种非常罕见的肿瘤,约百万分之一至百万分之二[5],发病年龄有两个高峰,在儿童期为0-4岁,在成人为40岁左右,大约70%的病例患有某种形式的肾上腺皮质功能障碍。肾上腺皮质癌生长迅速,并侵袭周围器官,多数患者确诊时已经是晚期。   虽然部分肾上腺皮质癌可能误诊为肝癌,但这种疾病的治疗却与肝癌相差较大,主要的根治方法就是手术。   目前,日本肾上腺皮质癌总体的5年生存率是38-46%,在世界属于领头水平,那么,日本是如何治疗肾上腺皮质癌的呢? 手术治疗   对于肾上腺皮质癌的治疗,手术切除是理想选择。根据日本现有的数据,I,II甚至III期及以上的病例肾上腺皮质癌均可以作为手术治疗的目标。I和II期不需要切除周围的淋巴结,但III期需要采用局部淋巴结清扫术切除,局限性肾上腺皮质癌手术后会得到治疗好。   在评估患者没有出现远处转移,并且肾上腺皮质癌的扩散在完全可切除的区域内时,可以进行手术治疗。另外,肾上腺皮质肿瘤血供丰富,且瘤体软而脆,术中容易破碎,也可在术前先给予化疗,以求瘤体缩小,质地变硬,从而增加手术完整切除的几率。如果认为术后复发的可能性很高,可以由外科医生和内分泌科医生(内科)联合治疗,通过术后药物减少复发的可能性。   另外,对于复发性的患者,手术是根治方法(肾上腺皮质癌的预后极差,手术切除后5年复发率高达75%)。2016年美国内分泌外科医师协会年会上公布的一项回顾性研究显示,肿瘤完全切除手术或有助于改善复发性肾上腺皮质癌患者的生存率,但仅在初次诊断和手术切除1年及以后复发的患者中有效。   因此,对于肾上腺皮质癌,日本将尽可能地采用手术治疗。 放射治疗   放射治疗多为术后辅助治疗,根据临床数据,约57%的患者在术后放疗后取得了良好的效果。研究证实,术后辅助照射对预防局部复发也有效果。 药物治疗   对于无法手术的肾上腺皮质癌患者,可以通过药物治疗控制疾病的进展。日本常采用米诺坦与抗癌药物联合治疗。抗癌药物常为依托泊苷,阿霉素和顺铂三种药物的组合(EDP)。如果肿瘤缩小至可采用手术切除,或肾上腺产生的激素症状无法通过药物治疗得到有效控制,则应考虑手术治疗。   据日本相关报告I,II,III和IV期的中位生存时间分别为24.1、6.08、3.47和0.89年,仍需要进一步探索更好的治疗方案。目前日本正在使用靶向治疗药物进行临床试验,提高肾上腺皮质癌的预后。其中Figitumumab和Cixutumumab以及小分子抑制剂linsitinib已显现出良好的效果。   日本国立癌症研究中心罕见癌症中心,作为专门治疗罕见癌症的设施,已经达到了世界高水平的效果。另外,随着肾上腺皮质癌发病率的逐渐提升,该中心一直在研发新的治疗方法,改善患者的预后。 本文来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除。来源:hopenoah.com


一个国际科学家团队,包括转化基因组研究所 (TGen) 的科学家,已经发现了一种新的潜在治疗方法,可用于治疗一种称为肾上腺皮质癌(ACC)的罕见且致命的癌症。 在今天发表在科学杂志《Cancer Cell》上的一项研究中,研究人员对 ACC(肾上腺皮质癌)进行了广泛的基因组分析。 目前 ACC的治疗方案几十年来没有改变,也不是治愈性的。 “这是对这种罕见肿瘤类型进行的最全面的基因组表征之一,”TGen 癌症和细胞生物学部的助理教授、该研究的作者之一蒂莫西·惠特塞特博士说。 “这项研究应该为新的治疗策略和临床研究提供理论依据和验证,为 ACC 患者提供可能更好的治疗。” 该研究是癌症基因组图谱 (TCGA) 的一部分,该计划由美国国立卫生研究院 (NIH) 监督,旨在生成主要类型癌症关键分子变化的全面、多维图谱。 “这些数据对 肾上腺癌的诊断和预测结果具有重要意义。它还使我们能够深入探讨疾病的生物学,以了解这些新基因突变如何促进肾上腺癌的进展和形成” 资深作者 Gary D. Hammer 博士 (密歇根大学综合癌症中心的 Millie Schembechler 肾上腺癌教授)这样说道。 ACC 研究检查了来自四大洲六个国家的 91个肿瘤样本,提供了对这种疾病的全球观察。 本研究的主要发现之一是确定了 ACC 的第三类或亚型。 该研究表明,ACC 的三种亚型对患者的治疗结果有显着差异,并且基于它们不同的分子生物标志物,可以帮助确定每位患者的最佳治疗方案。 “这种三级分级系统的临床实施将代表患者护理的真正进步,”报告说。 另一个关键发现是,许多肾上腺肿瘤经历了全基因组加倍——基因中的每条染色体都会复制并产生第二个拷贝的现象。 这反映了癌症基因组的不稳定性,这在肾上腺癌中尤为突出。 该研究还确定了可能驱动ACC肿瘤的形成和发展的其他基因。而根据对临床试验和美国食品和药物管理局批准的癌症药物的审查,该研究确定了51个可能为新疗法提供目标的基因改变。 Whitsett博士说:”我们希望这些结果说明,整合分子和临床病理数据可以为ACC患者提供更精确的治疗决策,”他和TGen的同事们一起对ACC的细胞通路、临床病理数据和整体疾病专业知识进行了分析。 除手术和放射线外,ACC的标准治疗方法是使用一种叫做米托坦的化合物,它是DDT的化学近亲,美国在1972年禁止将其作为杀虫剂。肾上腺负责制造几种关键的激素,包括那些应对压力和维持正常血糖水平所需的激素。虽然在ACC患者中使用米托坦可以减少肿瘤,但它并不能提供治愈,而且有很大的副作用。这些患者需要新的和更好的治疗方法。 发表在《癌症细胞》上的题为《肾上腺皮质癌的综合泛基因组特征》的研究由美国国家癌症研究所和国家人类基因组研究中心协调,并由美国国立卫生研究院资助。 TGen的另一项研究发现了ACC中基因的表达方式 在3月10日发表在PLOS ONE杂志上的另一项关于ACC的研究中,TGen的研究人员使用了一种调查DNA甲基化的新方法–细胞用来控制基因如何表达的许多机制之一,以确定与肾上腺癌症有关的新基因和细胞通路。 “使用’离散化方法’,即根据DNA甲基化水平对样本进行分组,我们能够更精确地了解哪些DNA甲基化变化会导致ACC的异常基因和细胞通路表达,”TGen综合癌症基因组学部门的助理教授、该研究的资深作者Bodour Salhia博士说。”对我们数据的这一分析揭示了关于基因如何被调控的新信息,特别是重要的肿瘤抑制基因如何被关闭并允许癌症生长”。 Salhia博士说,《PLOS Read more...

Introduction to Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma (ACC)

Overview Non-functional adrenocortical adenocarcinoma (NACC) is rare in clinical practice, and people are still unable to recognize the cause of the disease. The early diagnosis rate of tumors is not high. Many patients have peripheral infiltration or distant metastasis at the time of treatment, and the progress rate is fast, which causes great difficulty for clinical treatment, and the prognosis is usually poor. With the improvement and popularization of imaging examination methods, adrenal cortical carcinoma is often found by chance during a physical examination or other diseases, accounting for 10% to 20% of adrenal incidents. Therefore, the actual incidence rate has increased in recent years. The age of onset varies from 1 to 80 years old, and is more common in adults or the elderly, with more men than women. It is more common to metastasize to lymph nodes, lungs, and liver, and to bones and brains. Symptoms The clinical symptoms of adrenal cortical carcinoma are atypical, and can be divided into two types: endocrine disorders and endocrine disorders (no function). Clinically, some patients have mixed hormone secretion abnormalities, accounting for about 35% of patients with adrenocortical cancer. Most patients with endocrine disorders showed that Cushing's syndrome combined with female masculinization was the most important manifestation, and abnormal sexual characteristics and primary aldosteronism were relatively rare. Mixed abnormal changes can occur in biochemical tests, both Cushing's syndrome and hypokalemia, and this hypokalemia often appears to be refractory, and conventional potassium supplementation is slow, which may be related to malignant tumors. Unrestricted growth and low degree of differentiation. Non-functioning adrenocortical carcinoma, the onset is slow, the symptoms are different, often fatigue, weight loss, about 1/2 patients with intermittent hypothermia, and the absorption of necrotic tissue in the tumor. About 2/3 of the patients have pain in the side of the abdomen and lumbar pain. The larger the tumor, the pain is aggravated when the position changes, which may be caused by the tumor invading the capsule or twisting and shifting the kidney. At the time of physical examination, 1/3 of the cases can touch the abdominal mass, and in a few cases, the renal artery stenosis caused by the tumor can cause hypertension. Larger tumors can be associated with hypoglycemia. In patients with no functional disorders, there is often an increase in urine 17-KS. Clinically, sometimes the initial manifestations are symptoms of distant metastasis, such as multiple lesions in the lungs, gynecological symptoms of vaginal metastasis, and hematuria in renal metastases. Gastrointestinal hemorrhage due to intestinal metastasis and symptoms such as bone, brain and eye metastasis. Diagnosis 1. Clinical features Adrenal cortical carcinoma is atypical clinical symptoms, which can be divided into two types: endocrine disorders and endocrine disorders (no function). 2. Auxiliary examination (1) Laboratory examination All adrenal cortical tumors should be tested for adrenal function, especially non-functional adrenal cortical tumors. Sometimes, although there are no prominent clinical symptoms, it is not necessarily a non-functional tumor; and those with abnormal laboratory tests may not have corresponding clinical manifestations. Examination of adrenal cortical secretion function, including plasma cortisol, 17-OHCS, 17-KS, CA, VMA and plasma aldosterone, renin activity, electrolytes, sex hormones (androgen, pregnane estrone) and glucose tolerance test, small dose Dexamethasone inhibition test, etc. Non-functional adrenal cortical tumors have more normal blood and urinary cortisol. Because the tumor is too large and consumed too much, hypoproteinemia and hypoglycemia may occur. For example, bilateral large tumors may be associated with blood, urinary cortisol is lower than normal, aldosterone is more normal, and a small number of 17-ketocorticosteroids may have a slight increase. (2) imaging examination B-ultrasound, CT or MRI imaging examination is indispensable in the diagnosis of adrenocortical cancer. In particular, non-functional asymptomatic adrenal tumors need to rely on imaging to confirm the diagnosis to determine whether the adrenal gland is abnormal, whether there is a tumor, to help locate and determine the adrenal properties. Many scholars believe that the vast majority of tumors in adrenocortical carcinoma are larger than 5 cm in diameter. (3) Nuclear medicine examination of adenomas can show uniform radioactive concentration, while adenocarcinoma shows uneven radioactivity concentration. In recent years, positron emission tomography (PET) technology has also been applied to the diagnosis of adrenal malignancies. Becher et al. used 18 fluorinated deoxyglucose (18F-FDG) positron emission tomography to scan 10 patients with adrenocortical carcinoma, and found that the uptake of FDG in all primary and metastatic lesions was significantly enhanced, and the wing sensitivity and specificity were 100. % and 97%. Barzon et al. used 75Se-labeled methylnorcholic acid for adrenal scanning. All non-functioning adenocarcinomas and 70% of functional adenocarcinomas were free of nuclides, and all normal adrenal tissues were absorbed, indicating that radionuclide scanning is in the diagnosis of adrenal gland. There is a certain value in cortical cancer. Treatment 1. The diclofenac treatment regimen, chlorhexidine dichloride (O, P-DDD), alters the metabolism of the adrenal cortex hormones and androgen, inhibits the secretion of corticosteroids, destroys the adrenal cortex, and shrinks the tumor. It is suitable for palliative treatment for patients who cannot be operated, postoperative tumor residual, and metastatic lesions. Long-term treatment is only available for patients who initially have a therapeutic effect. It has been reported in the literature that a good therapeutic effect may be obtained with a concentration of >10 μg/ml or >14 μg/ml of dichlorophenyldichloroethane. However, recent studies have suggested that there is no necessary relationship between concentration and efficacy. The main side effect is neuromuscular toxicity, which is related to the dose used. Modern imaging technology can more accurately determine the therapeutic effect of chlorhexidine. Can be divided into: (1) complete effect, no tumor survival for at least 4 weeks; (2) partial effect, tumor volume reduction > 50% for at least 4 weeks; (3) micro-effect, tumor volume reduced by 25% to 50%. The therapeutic effect of dichlorophenyldichloroethane has been controversial, and most scholars believe that oral treatment with diclofenac in advanced patients is beneficial to the prognosis and prolong survival. For patients who do not respond to treatment, try to combine chlorhexidine with multi-drug chemotherapy. Other steroid synthesis inhibitors such as ketoconazole, aminoglutethimide and other therapeutic effects, there is currently insufficient clinical research evidence. The drug of dichlorobenzene dichloroethane is slow, at least for more than 8 weeks, and the starting dose is small. 500mg daily, if there is no adverse reaction, 4 times a day, then increase 500mg every 3 days, the maximum 12g / d, should pay attention to side effects such as nausea, vomiting, lethargy, blurred vision and salivation, reduce or stop depending on the severity . Prednisone is required to prevent adrenal insufficiency. It has also been reported that after chemotherapy, CTX, vincristine and fluorouracil can be used alone or in combination to achieve short-term results. 2. Chemotherapy of adrenal cortical carcinoma can express multidrug resistance gene (MDR) 21, leading to the secretion of P2 glycoprotein and accelerating the cytotoxic drug failure. Dichlorobenzene dichloroethane can interfere with the function of MDR21 and P2 glycoproteins and antagonize its drug resistance. Therefore, the clinical use of chemotherapeutic drugs and chlorhexidine dichloride is currently used in combination. Commonly used drugs include doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, fluorouracil, cisplatin, etoposide and the like. The standard for judging the effect of chemotherapy was the same as that of bischlorobenzene dichloride, Berruti et al., and 28 patients with cortical cancer treated with etoposide, doxorubicin, cisplatin and dichlorodichloroethane. 54% had therapeutic effects (completely Effects of the ten-part effect), the most common side effects include gastrointestinal and nervous system reactions. BonacCl and other studies treated 18 patients with cortical carcinoma with etoposide, cisplatin and dichlorodichloroethane, and 33% had therapeutic effects. Multi-drug chemotherapy is also only palliative treatment. Due to the low incidence of cortical cancer, the clinical research, especially the clinical trials of chemotherapy drugs, has a small sample size, and the tumor discovery is more advanced, the progress is faster, and the survival time is shorter. Therefore, the efficacy of combined chemotherapy is still Not sure. For those who are not surgically treated, the use of chlorhexidine alone or in combination with cytotoxic drugs is the most effective treatment. In order to achieve the best results, the amount of the drug is 14 to 20 μg / ml is strictly required. For patients with worsening conditions, the most promising alternative treatments are: etoposide, doxorubicin, cisplatin + mitotan and streptozol ( Streptozotocin) + mitotan (mitotane), these drugs are currently being used in international phase clinical trials. After the tumor is completely removed (for example, by mitoxantrone radiation therapy), adjuvant therapy is necessary because only 35% of the disease-free survivors within 5 years after surgery, but no effective adjuvant treatment has yet been developed. National registries, international cooperation and trials not only provide patients with important new therapeutic instruments, but also facilitate researchers to systematically study the treatment of adrenocortical cancer. However, future treatments for adrenocortical carcinoma will depend to a large extent on a deeper understanding of the pathogenesis of tumor molecules, which also contributes to the development of modern cancer treatments (eg tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment). ).
