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We welcome any comments and inquiries. You can contact Hong Kong Global by phone, email or message, or directly online.

Hong Kong Department of Health Approved

Hong Kong Global Pharmaceutical Trading Co., Ltd. cooperates with the rest of the world to focus on bringing new drugs and scarce medicines (including US medicines, Indian medicines, etc.) to Hong Kong and then using the Internet to sell them all over the world to meet the urgent needs of patients everywhere.

Registered in the Hong Kong Government

Hong Kong Global Pharmaceutical Trading Co., Ltd. is registered with the Hong Kong government in 2011 and has complete equipment and complete qualifications. It is the first choice for your purchase.


Xi Ning

【Product name】Xi Ning





  • 该制剂属于一组用于治疗帕金森病的药物。与这种情况相关的症状很可能是由于缺乏多巴胺引起的。这种物质通常是由大脑制造的。由于多巴胺参与控制肌肉运动,因此缺乏多巴胺会导致与肌肉运动相关的不适。左旋多巴弥补了多巴胺的缺乏,而卡比多巴确保足够的左旋多巴进入大脑。


  • Adult and elderly
    • 如果您之前没有接受过左旋多巴
      • 起始剂量:每天两次,每次 1 片。
      • 最大起始剂量:每天 3 片(相当于每天 600 毫克左旋多巴)。
      • 应以至少 6 小时的间隔服用单独的剂量。
    • 如果您的治疗从快速释放药物制剂(例如片剂)中的左旋多巴/卡比多巴转换为缓释片剂
      • 这种改变必须在医疗监督下缓慢进行。
    • 如果您之前仅接受过左旋多巴治疗
      • 左旋多巴治疗必须在服用该药前至少 12 小时停止。
      • 轻度至中度疾病严重程度患者的起始剂量:每天两次,每次 1 片。
    • 维持剂量
      • 您的医生会定期检查您并在必要时调整剂量。每次剂量调整之间应至少间隔 3 天。
  • 18 岁以下的儿童和青少年
    • 不建议在 18 岁以下的患者中使用该药物。

[Storage] Storage temperature is between 2 – 25 ° C (36 – 77 ° F). Do not freeze.

[Tips] Some of the information on this site comes from the Internet and is only used internally by pharmacists or medical staff. It is not a substitute for doctors to diagnose face to face. Please consult a professional pharmacist for specific medications. Please refer to the actual product manual or the actual product for the product content.

Nebivolol / 奈必洛尔片




[English name]

【适应症】可以防止心跳变得太快并调节心率。它还可以扩张血管,这也有助于降低血压。该药物还用于治疗 70 岁及以上患者的轻度和中度慢性心力衰竭(心力衰竭)。

通常的剂量是每天 1 片。如果可能,应在一天的同一时间服用该剂量。
老年患者和肾病患者通常每天服用 1/2(半片)片剂。
治疗 1 至 2 周后,降血压效果变得明显。有时,仅在 4 周后才能达到最佳效果。
您的医生将以每天 1/4(四分之一)片开始您的治疗。1 – 2 周后,每日剂量可增加至 1/2(半片),然后根据需要增至 1 片,然后根据需要增至 2 片,直至达到适合您的剂量。您的医生会在每一步为您开出正确的剂量,您应该仔细遵循他/她的指示。
最大推荐剂量为每天 2 片(10 毫克)。
在治疗开始时和每次增加剂量时,必须由有经验的医生仔细监测 2 小时。

【Tips】Part of the information on this site comes from the Internet and is only used internally by pharmacists or medical staff. It is not a substitute for doctor's face diagnosis. Please consult a professional pharmacist for specific medications. Please refer to the actual product manual or the actual product for the product content.




[Chinese common name]替洛利生


[Tips] Some of the information on this site comes from the Internet and is only used internally by pharmacists or medical staff. It is not a substitute for doctors to diagnose face to face. Please consult a professional pharmacist for specific medications. Please refer to the actual product manual or the actual product for the product content.

Metyrapone / 美替拉酮

适  应  症:用于库欣综合症的治疗。
品  牌  商:诺华/HRA
生  产  厂:诺华/HRA
产        地:法国
规        格:250mg*50s

适  应  症:美替拉酮一般用于治疗库欣综合症。可用于鉴别由垂体而引起的肾上腺皮质功能不全。


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We welcome any comments and inquiries. You can contact Hong Kong Global by phone, email or message, or directly online.

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Long distance direct dialing in mainland China (free long distance)

167 6208 4334

Telephone consultation time: 09:00 - 13:00 14:00 - 18:00 throughout the year

Office address

Flat B 6/F Skyline Tower 18 Tong Mi Road, Mong Kok Kowloon, Hong Kong

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