
  ”13年前被诊断为慢性淋巴细胞白血病的莱西说:”在我生命的三分之一时间里,我一直在学习一些经验教训。   我在28岁时被诊断出患有慢性淋巴细胞白血病,至今已超过13年。从那时起,我经历了两轮治疗:6个月的FCR化疗,以及最近的Venclexta(venetoclax)加Rituxan(利妥昔单抗)的两年治疗方案,今年早些时候我刚刚完成。在我生命中超过三分之一的时间里,我是一个癌症幸存者,在这一路上我学到了一些经验。 副作用不会在你完成治疗后神奇地消失。如果在你敲响钟声的那一天,一切都恢复了 “正常”,那岂不是很神奇?化疗的迷雾散去,类固醇的体重下降,你的睫毛长回来了。不幸的是,情况并非如此。没有糖衣炮弹,治疗是严厉的,但值得庆幸的是,大多数副作用会随着时间的推移而减轻。而对于那些没有的,请联系你的医疗团队。你的医生可以确定你所经历的是否是正常的,并提供应对策略以帮助减轻副作用。请记住,他们在整个旅程中,在癌症期间和之后都会帮助你。 给自己一些宽容。癌症是一个改变生活的事件,创伤后应激障碍在癌症患者中是一个真实的事情。没有人在面对自己的死亡时能保持不变。你的情绪会有变化,有时甚至是一天一个样,在治疗结束后也是如此。当这一切看起来不堪重负时,停下来,做几次深呼吸,让你的情绪有效。散步、祈祷、晒太阳、找人聊天、不洗碗、叫外卖、听你最喜欢的歌、写日记、看你最喜欢的电影、跳舞、点蜡烛,或者找到适合你的方法来处理情绪。但最重要的是,给自己一个宽松的环境。 生活将变得不同,但它仍然可以是惊人的。我很幸运,在我刚开始这段旅程时,有一位出色的肿瘤医生。也许是因为她当时并不比我大多少,或者她看到了我隐藏在坚毅面孔背后的恐惧,但她告诉我,我如何处理这段旅程取决于我。我有一个选择。我可以选择以失败的方式接受这一诊断,或者从中创造出一些美好的东西。虽然每一天都不是很好(见上文第2条),但我决定寻找快乐。癌症经常被称为 “六个字母的单词”,与那些令人皱眉的四个字母的单词很相似,但它可以是如此的多。这段旅程让我学会了品味小事,如山间的日出,海滩上的海浪声,以及来自我们所爱的人的拥抱。它让我认识了最真实的人,否则我不会遇到这些人,并让我了解到经验比事物的重要性。如果我们睁开眼睛去看,癌症后的生活可以是惊人的。 本文来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除。来源:www.curetoday.com

Xi Baoning Chinese Description

EMA/519635/2018 EMEA/H/C/004534 EPAR summary of the public Kigabeq (aminohexenoate) Kigabeq overview and its licensing reasons in the EU What is Kigabeq and what is it used for? Kigabeq is a drug used to treat epilepsy in children from 1 month to 7 years old. It is used in the following ways: alone in the treatment of infantile spasms (West Syndrome), a rare epilepsy that originates from very small age, usually in the first few months of life; with partial treatment of other drugs Epilepsy (a seizure affects a part of the brain), including when seizures spread to other parts of the brain and become more prevalent. Kigabeq is only used for partial epilepsy, when patients have tried all other appropriate treatments or are unable to use them due to side effects. Kigabeq contains the active substance aminohexenoic acid, which is a "mixed drug". This means that it is similar to a "reference drug" containing the same active substance, but Kigabeq can be obtained in different forms and strengths. The reference drug for Kigabeq is Sabril (500 mg granules). How is Kigabeq used? Kigabeq can only be obtained by prescription, and treatment must be initiated and supervised by a doctor who specializes in treating epilepsy or neurological diseases. The drug can be used as a 100 or 500 mg soluble tablet with a fractional line so they can be halved. The tablets are dissolved in water to prepare a solution for the patient to drink. In patients who are not drinkable, they can enter the stomach through the tube. The dosage will depend on the condition being treated and the weight of the patient, and will be adjusted based on the patient's response to the treatment. For more information on using Kigabeq, please refer to the package insert or contact your doctor or pharmacist. How does Kigabeq work? The active substance in Kigabeq, aminohexenoic acid, blocks the action of an enzyme called GABA transaminase, which breaks down a substance called GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) in the brain. GABA reduces the electrical activity of the brain. Blocking the enzyme that destroys it increases the amount of GABA present in the brain, thereby increasing its effect. This helps to suppress abnormal electrical activity leading to infantile spasms and partial epilepsy, thereby controlling the symptoms of these conditions. What are the benefits of Kigabeq already shown in the study? The company provides information from published literature on the benefits and risks of aminohexenoic acid in approved uses. As for each drug, the company provides research on the quality of Kigabeq. It also conducted a study showing that Kigabeq is bioequivalent to the reference drug Sabril. When two drugs produce the same level of active substance in the body, they are bioequivalent and therefore are expected to have the same effect. What are the risks of Kigabeq? The most common side effects of aminohexenoic acid (which may affect more than 10 people) are visual field defects (effect on vision), fatigue, drowsiness and joint pain. Because the effects on vision can lead to blindness, aminohexenoic acid can only be used after careful evaluation of possible alternatives, and the patient's vision must be tested periodically during treatment. Vigabatrin should not be used in patients with existing visual field defects. Other common side effects include mental illnesses such as agitation, excitement, aggression, stress, depression and paranoid reactions, as well as reduced consciousness and confusion. It rarely affects the retina (photosensitive layer at the back of the eye), encephalopathy (brain damage) or suicide attempts. For a complete list of Kigabeq side effects and limitations, please refer to the package insert. Why is Kigabeq authorized in the EU? The European Medicines Agency decided that Kigabeq has the same quality and bioequivalence as Sabril, according to EU requirements. Therefore, the IAEA believes that for Sabril, Kigabeq's interests outweigh its risks and can be authorized for use in the EU. What measures are being taken to ensure the safe and effective use of Kigabeq? The recommendations and precautions that medical professionals and patients should follow to use Kigabeq safely and effectively are included in the product feature summary and package insert. As for all drugs, data on the use of Kigabeq is continuously monitored. The side effects reported by Kigabeq have been carefully evaluated and any necessary measures taken to protect the patient. Additional information about Kigabeq Kigabeq received an effective listing license throughout the European Union on September 20, 2018. For more information on Kigabeq, please visit the agency's website at ema.europa.eu/Find medicine / Human medicine / European public assessment reports. This overview was last updated on 09-2018.
