
发表在BMJ上的一项研究,超加工食品的摄入量增加与炎症性肠病(IBD) 的风险增加有关。加拿大安大略省汉密尔顿市麦克马斯特大学的 Neeraj Narula, MD, MPH 及其同事在 7 个地理区域的 21 个低收入、中等收入和高收入国家的 116,087 名 35 至 70 岁的成年人中进行了一项前瞻性队列研究,检查超加工食品的摄入量与 IBD 风险之间的关联。 研究人员发现,在 9.7 年的中位随访期间,467 名参与者发生了 IBD(90 名患有克罗恩病;377 名患有溃疡性结肠炎)。在调整了以下因素后,大量摄入超加工食品与 IBD 事件风险增加有关(每天至少 5 份和 1 到 4 份的风险比分别为 1.82 和 1.67,而每天少于一份)潜在的混杂因素。IBD 的高风险比与超加工食品的不同亚组有关,包括软饮料、精制甜食、咸味零食和加工肉类。克罗恩病和溃疡性结肠炎的结果一致。 由于未发现白肉、未加工的红肉、乳制品、淀粉以及水果、蔬菜和豆类与 IBD 的发展有关,因此这项研究表明,赋予这种风险的可能不是食物本身,而是方式食物经过加工或超加工,”作者写道。 该文章来源互联网,如有侵权请联系删除。来源:https://www.drugs.com/news/ultra-processed-food-may-up-risk-inflammatory-bowel-99037.html


在一项针对小鼠的新研究中,约翰霍普金斯医学研究人员报告说,使用 MRI 扫描来测量大脑中的血容量可以作为一种非侵入性方式来跟踪早期亨廷顿病的基因编辑疗法的进展,亨廷顿病是一种攻击神经退行性疾病的疾病脑细胞。研究人员表示,通过使用这种类型的基因疗法识别和治疗已知会导致亨廷顿病的突变,在患者开始出现症状之前,它可能会减缓疾病的进展。 该研究的结果于 5 月 27 日发表在《大脑》杂志上。 “这项研究令人兴奋的是,有机会确定一种可靠的生物标志物,可以在患者开始出现症状之前追踪基因疗法的潜在成功,”转化神经生物学实验室主任、医学博士、医学博士、医学博士段文振说。约翰霍普金斯大学医学院精神病学和行为科学专业。“这样的生物标志物可以促进新疗法的开发,并帮助我们确定开始它们的最佳时间。” 亨廷顿病是一种罕见的遗传病,由人类 4 号染色体上的单个缺陷基因(称为“亨廷顿”)引起。该基因从父母传给孩子——如果父母一方有突变,每个孩子都有 50% 的机会遗传它。亨廷顿病无法治愈,并可能导致情绪障碍、智力丧失和不受控制的运动。由于基因检测,人们可以在症状出现之前很久就知道他们是否患有这种疾病,这通常发生在 40 多岁或 50 多岁。 在这项研究中,段和她的团队合作与肯尼迪克里格研究所在马里兰州巴尔的摩市,谁开发了一种新方法,能够更精确地测量同事血量在大脑利用先进的功能性核磁共振成像扫描。通过扫描,他们可以映射的轨迹血流量小血管称为小鼠的设计,以携带反映亨廷顿氏病的早期阶段在人类亨廷顿的人类基因突变的大脑动脉。 Duan 指出,亨廷顿舞蹈症患者的大脑中有许多已知的代谢变化,这些变化会在疾病的早期阶段引发脑血容量反应。血容量是脑细胞供氧的关键标志,而脑细胞又为神经元功能提供能量。但是对于亨廷顿病,大脑的小动脉血容量急剧减少,随着疾病的进展,这使得神经元由于缺氧而恶化。 在一系列实验中,研究人员使用一种称为 CRISPR 的基因编辑技术抑制了小鼠亨廷顿基因的突变,CRISPR 是一种编辑基因组的工具,可以通过改变 DNA 序列来修改基因功能。然后,他们使用 MRI 扫描技术和其他测试来跟踪具有亨廷顿基因突变的小鼠(他们编辑出有缺陷的基因序列)和对照组小鼠(其中有缺陷的基因未经编辑)随时间推移的大脑功能。 实验评估了亨廷顿病突变小鼠在 3、6 和 9 个月大时(分别是症状前阶段、症状开始阶段和症状后阶段)的小动脉血容量轨迹异常。研究人员研究了抑制神经元中突变的亨廷顿基因是否可以使症状前阶段改变的小动脉血容量正常化,以及亨廷顿基因在症状前阶段的表达减少是否可以延迟甚至阻止症状的发展。 “总的来说,我们的数据表明,脑小动脉血容量测量可能是一种很有前途的非侵入性生物标志物,用于在尚未表现出疾病症状的亨廷顿舞蹈症患者中测试新疗法,”段说。“在这个早期阶段引入治疗可能会带来长期的好处。” 当研究人员绘制脑血容量轨迹图并对 3 个月大的小鼠进行各种大脑和运动测试,并将测试与对照组的测试进行比较时,除了脑血容量外,他们没有观察到显着差异。然而,带有亨廷顿基因的小鼠的亨廷顿病症状在 6 个月大时开始,并在 9 个月大时逐渐恶化,这表明脑血容量的改变发生在运动症状和脑细胞萎缩之前——这种疾病的典型特征。 还发现脑血容量的变化与亨廷顿病患者开始出现症状之前观察到的相似,随着症状的开始和疾病随着时间的推移而下降。 研究人员还分析了具有突变亨廷顿基因的小鼠在 3 个月和 9 个月大时大脑中小动脉血管的结构,发现症状前阶段的血管节段数量没有差异。然而,他们观察到较小的血管具有增加的密度和减小的直径,这可能是补偿受损神经元脑功能的血管反应。研究人员得出结论,这可能表明,血管结构受损会导致小动脉血容量降低,并可能损害补偿症状阶段损失的能力。 考虑到亨廷顿舞蹈症的症状不仅取决于脑细胞损失,还取决于神经元如何恶化,研究人员着手确定在小鼠出现症状前阶段抑制亨廷顿基因是否可以延迟甚至阻止疾病进展。为此,研究人员在 2 Read more...


大脑不是受伤或疾病的被动接受者。研究表明,当神经元死亡并破坏它们与其他神经元保持的信息自然流动时,大脑会通过重定向其他神经元网络的通信来进行补偿。这种调整或重新布线一直持续到损坏超出补偿范围。 这种调整过程是大脑可塑性或其改变或重组神经网络能力的结果,发生在神经退行性疾病中,例如阿尔茨海默氏症、帕金森氏症和亨廷顿氏病 (HD)。随着病情的发展,许多基因改变了它们的正常表达方式,使一些基因上升而另一些基因下降。研究 HD 的 Juan Botas 博士等研究人员面临的挑战是确定哪些基因表达变化与引起疾病有关,哪些有助于减轻损害,因为这对于设计有效的治疗干预措施至关重要。 在贝勒医学院的实验室中,Botas 和他的同事希望了解是什么导致HD 中神经元之间的通讯或突触丢失。到目前为止,研究主要集中在神经元上,因为正常的亨廷顿基因(其突变导致这种情况)有助于维持健康的神经元通讯。在当前的工作中,研究人员从不同的角度研究了 HD 中的突触损失。 关注神经胶质以了解亨廷顿舞蹈症 突变的亨廷顿基因不仅存在于神经元中,而且存在于体内的所有细胞中,这开启了其他细胞类型也可能参与该病症的可能性。“在这项研究中,我们专注于神经胶质细胞,这是一种与神经元对神经元通讯同样重要的脑细胞,”贝勒大学分子和人类遗传学以及分子和细胞生物学教授、贝勒大学成员博塔斯说。德克萨斯儿童医院的 Jan 和 Dan Duncan 神经学研究所。 “我们认为神经胶质可能在促进或补偿亨廷顿病中观察到的损害方面发挥作用。” 最初被认为只是管家细胞,结果证明神经胶质在促进正常的神经元和突触功能方面具有更直接的作用。在之前的一项工作中,Botas 和他的同事研究了 HD 的果蝇模型,该模型在神经元中表达了人类突变亨廷顿 (mHTT) 基因,以了解HD 中发生的众多基因表达变化中哪些是导致疾病的,哪些是补偿性的。 “一类补偿性变化影响了参与突触功能的基因。神经胶质可能参与其中吗?” 博塔斯说。“为了回答这个问题,我们创造了只在神经胶质、神经元或两种细胞类型中表达 mHTT 的果蝇。” 比较基因表达的变化 研究人员通过比较健康人类与人类 HD 受试者以及 HD 小鼠和果蝇模型中存在的基因表达变化来开始他们的研究。他们发现了许多基因,它们的表达在所有三个物种中都以相同的方向变化,但当他们发现 HD 会降低有助于维持神经元连接的神经胶质细胞基因的表达时,他们特别感兴趣。 “为了研究这些基因在神经胶质细胞中表达的减少是否有助于疾病进展或缓解,我们在 HD 果蝇模型中对神经元、神经胶质细胞或两种细胞类型中的每个基因进行了操作。然后我们确定了基因表达对果蝇神经系统功能的影响,”博塔斯说。 他们使用高通量自动化系统评估果蝇的神经系统健康状况,该系统可定量评估运动行为。该系统拍摄了苍蝇自然爬上管子的过程。健康的苍蝇很容易攀爬,但是当它们的移动能力受到影响时,苍蝇就很难攀爬。研究人员研究了苍蝇的运动方式,因为 HD 的特征之一是正常身体运动的逐渐中断。 关闭基因起作用了 结果表明,在 HD 中,抑制参与突触组装和维持的神经胶质基因具有保护作用。研究人员故意拒绝突触基因的果蝇在其神经胶质细胞中带有突变亨廷顿基因的果蝇比突触基因没有被降低的果蝇能更好地爬上管子。 “我们的研究表明,受 Read more...


根据在线发表的一项研究,特定碳水化合物饮食 (SCD) 在缓解轻度至中度克罗恩病 (CD) 成人症状方面并不优于地中海饮食 (MD) 5 月 26 日在胃肠病学。 费城宾夕法尼亚大学的 James D. Lewis 医学博士及其同事将 194 名患有 CD 和轻度中度症状的成年患者随机分配到 MD 或 SCD 组,为期 12 周。 研究人员发现,在第 6 周达到症状缓解的参与者百分比并不优于 SCD(SCD:46.5%;MD:43.5%)。23 名 SCD 参与者中的 8 名和 13 名 MD 参与者中的 4 名实现了粪便钙卫蛋白 (FC) 反应(<250 μg/g 并且在基线 FC >250 μg/g 的患者中减少了 >50%),而 37 Read more...

弥漫性大 B 细胞淋巴瘤患者的心肌梗死

根据发表在《内科学杂志》上的一项研究,弥漫性大 B 细胞淋巴瘤 (DLBCL) 患者面临的急性心肌梗死 (AMI) 风险增加。 该研究纳入了 2007 年至 2014 年间确诊的 3,548 名瑞典 DLBCL 患者,他们与来自普通人群的 35,474 名无淋巴瘤个体进行了匹配。随后,使用基于人群的登记册分析了 AMI 的发病率、特征和结果,直至诊断后 11 年。 结果显示,DLBCL 患者与普通人群并列的 AMI 超额率为 33%(风险比 = 1.33;95% 置信区间为 1.14-1.55)。这种超额率在诊断后的第一年最高,两年后减少。发现年龄较大、男性和合并症是 AMI 的最强风险因素。 。 研究人员总结说:“DLBCL 患者患 AMI 的风险增加,尤其是在前 2 年,这需要在年龄和合并症的指导下改进心脏监测。” 他们补充说,“重要的是,DLBCL 与不同的 AMI 管理或生存无关。”

自 1990 年以来,多发性骨髓瘤病例增加了一倍多

根据发表在BMC Cancer上的一项分析,自 1990 年以来,全球多发性骨髓瘤 (MM) 的发病率增加了一倍多。 为了评估全球疾病负担,研究人员利用来自全球疾病负担研究的 2019 年数据来计算与 MM 相关的发病率、死亡率和残疾调整生命年。这些数字与 1990 年通过全球健康数据交换查询工具获得的 MM 发病率数据进行了比 较。 多发性骨髓瘤病例的趋势  2019 年全世界有 155,688 例记录的 MM 病例(95% 不确定区间 [UI],136,585-172,577)。这个数字是 1990 年的 1.36 倍(65,940;95% UI,155,688-74,058)。MM 诊断和死亡的中位年龄分别为 70 岁和 75 岁。 2019 年超过一半的病例 (54.3%) 是男性。1990 年 MM 的年龄标化发病率为每 100,000 人 1.72 例(95% UI,1.59-1.93),而 2019 年为每 100,000 Read more...


帕金森氏病是一种具有许多潜在症状的复杂疾病。帕金森氏病的症状和进展方式因人而异。 帕金森氏病的运动症状 帕金森氏病的主要运动症状会影响身体运动。他们包括: 震颤 –颤抖,通常从手或手臂开始;  运动迟缓–身体运动比正常运动慢得多。这可能使日常工作变得困难,并可能导致非常缓慢的,缓慢的步伐,而且步伐很小。 肌肉僵硬(刚度)–肌肉僵硬和紧张,可能使人难以走动和面部表情,并可能导致痛苦的肌肉痉挛(肌张力障碍); 姿势不稳–在疾病的晚期尤为明显,包括无法保持稳定,直立的姿势或无法跌倒。 步态困难–常见的早期症状是走路时一只或两只手臂的自然摆动减少。随着疾病的进展,步伐可能会变小而缓慢,并且可能会出现步态蹒跚的步态。步态问题还可能包括倾向于以快速,短促的步伐向前迈进的趋势; 声音症状 –声音变化很普遍,部分原因是运动迟缓。声音可能会变得更柔和,或者开始时声音很强,然后逐渐消失。声音中音量和情绪的正常变化可能会消失。随着疾病的发展,说话可能会变得很快,说话挤在一起,或者会出现口吃。 帕金森氏病的非运动症状 除了运动症状外,帕金森氏病还可以有非运动症状,从抑郁和焦虑到幻觉,记忆力障碍和痴呆。 嗅觉障碍–疾病的早期征兆是对气味的敏感性降低(血尿症)或嗅觉丧失(失眠)。 睡眠问题-包括无法入睡或较少见的原发性失眠,以及无法入睡或继发性失眠。一些患者可能梦vivid以求,尽管这些梦通常是由于药物的副作用引起的。 抑郁和焦虑 –这些是帕金森氏病相当普遍的非运动症状,严重程度可能有所不同,并可能通过药物治疗和心理治疗而得到改善。 精神病 -帕金森氏病精神病是一种非运动性症状,会导致患者出现幻觉和/或妄想。在他们的疾病过程中,超过一半的患者最终会出现精神病症状。 认知变化–随着疾病的发展,患者在思考,发现单词,困惑和判断方面存在问题。许多患者报告在执行多任务和组织日常活动方面存在困难。 目前尚无治愈帕金森氏病的方法。但是,有不同的疗法和支持可用来帮助患者控制病情。

Introduction to black spot polyposis

Introduction Peutz-Jegher Syndrome is a hereditary disease characterized by melanoma in the lips and its surroundings, accompanied by multiple polyposis of the digestive tract. The cause of the disease is a hereditary disease, and the cause is still unclear. Symptoms The oral mucosa and the lips have obvious melanin spots, which may be single or multiple, brown or black, ranging from 1 to 5 mm in diameter, and the shape is irregularly round or elliptical. The color is the deepest before and after puberty, juvenile, Older ages are lighter, and individual patients have varying degrees of pigmentation on their faces and hands. Polyps usually occur in the small intestine, generally no symptoms, occasionally intussusception and intestinal bleeding. A larger amount of gastrointestinal bleeding, more suggestive of stomach, duodenal polyps. Polyps can induce intussusception directly or indirectly. At this time, abdominal cramps and a series of symptoms of intestinal obstruction appear. Compared with intussusception in children or intussusception caused by tumor in the elderly, the intrinsic cause is mild and abdominal pain. More than 10 to 15 minutes and self-alleviation. Diagnosis of this disease should be differentiated from intussusception, intestinal bleeding and intestinal obstruction caused by other causes such as tumors. Complications This disease is easy to complicated with intestinal intussusception and intestinal bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, intestinal obstruction and other diseases. Because of the congenital hereditary disease, there is no special root treatment. Conservative treatment of mild intestinal hemorrhage, severe bleeding in patients with ineffective treatment of laparotomy, found bleeding site and appropriate surgical treatment, generally not suitable for rest and resection, but when obstruction, polyps or polyps, surgery or Endoscopic polypectomy.

Introduction to long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency

Description The long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (LCHAD) deficiency is a rare disease that prevents the body from converting certain fats into energy, especially in the absence of food (fasting). LCHAD-deficient signs and symptoms usually occur in infancy or early childhood and may include feeding difficulties, lack of concentration (drowsiness), hypoglycemia (hypoglycemia), decreased muscle tone (low muscle tone), liver problems, and light-sensitive abnormal eyes. The posterior tissue (retina). In the later stages of childhood, people with this condition may experience muscle pain, muscle tissue rupture, and loss of sensory arms and legs (peripheral neuropathy). People with LCHAD deficiency also face serious heart problems, difficulty breathing, coma and sudden death. When the body is under stress, such as during fasting, viral infections, or extreme weather conditions, problems associated with LCHAD deficiency may arise. The disease is sometimes mistaken for Reye syndrome, a serious illness that can occur in children who seem to be recovering from viral infections such as chickenpox or flu. Most cases of Reye syndrome are associated with the use of aspirin during infection with these viruses. The incidence of LCHAD defects in genetic and rare disease information center frequencies is unknown. According to Finns, 1 in 62,000 pregnancies are affected by the disease. In the United States, the incidence rate may be much lower. Genetic alterations The HADHA gene mutation results in a defect in LCHAD. The HADHA gene provides instructions for preparing a portion of an enzyme complex known as a mitochondrial trifunctional protein. This enzyme complex acts in the mitochondria, an energy production center within the cell. As the name suggests, mitochondrial trifunctional proteins contain three enzymes, each with different functions. This enzyme complex needs to decompose (metabolize) a group of fats called long-chain fatty acids. Long-chain fatty acids are found in foods such as milk and certain oils. These fatty acids are stored in the body's adipose tissue. Fatty acids are the main source of energy for the heart and muscles. Fatty acids are also an important source of energy for the liver and other tissues during fasting. Mutations in the HADHA gene that cause LCHAD deficiency disrupt one of the functions of the enzyme complex. These mutations prevent the normal processing of long-chain fatty acids by food and body fat. Therefore, these fatty acids are not converted into energy, which can lead to certain characteristics of the disease, such as lethargy and hypoglycemia. Long-chain fatty acids or partially metabolized fatty acids can also accumulate and damage the liver, heart, muscles and retina. This abnormal accumulation causes other signs and symptoms of LCHAD deficiency. Inheritance pattern This condition is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern, which means that both gene copies in each cell have mutations. Parents of individuals with autosomal recessive disorders each carry a copy of a mutated gene, but they usually do not show signs and symptoms of the disorder. Other names for this condition 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, long chain, LCHAD-deficient long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase-deficient long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase-deficient long-chain 3-OH acyl -CoA dehydrogenase deficiency trifunctional protein deficiency, type 1

Introduction to very long chain acyl-CoA deoxygenase deficiency

Introduction to long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (LCAD) Synonym for long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (LCAD) General discussion Long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (VLCADD) is a rare Genetic disorder of fatty acid metabolism is an autosomal recessive trait. This happens when an enzyme needs to break down some very long-chain fatty acids, or it doesn't work properly. VLCADD is a metabolic disease known as fatty acid oxidation (Fod) disease. In the past, long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (LCADD) was applied to one such disease, but it is clear today that all cases that were once thought to be LCADD are actually VLCADD. The breakdown of fatty acids occurs in the mitochondria of each cell. Mitochondria are small, well-defined bodies that are present in the cytoplasm of cells and whose energy is derived from the breakdown of complex substances into simpler substances (mitochondrial oxidation). Classically, two forms of VLCADD have been described: an early, serious form that, if not identified and diagnosed, can lead to extreme weakness of the heart muscle (cardiomyopathy), can be life-threatening, and is a Late-onset, milder form characterized by repeated hypoglycemia (hypoglycemia). In reality, patients may have multiple symptoms, and the disease is best considered a continuum. Since the use of tandem mass spectrometry to expand the newborn screening program, most VLCADD infants in the United States have been detected in the neonatal period. VLCADD children with early onset of signs and symptoms develop symptoms within a few days or weeks after birth. These babies also show signs of hypoglycemia (hypoglycemia), irritability and listlessness (drowsiness). From 2 to 3 months to about two years old, infants with this disease are at risk of heart muscle thickening (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy), arrhythmia, and heart and lung failure. Cardiomyopathy is rare in infancy but can be life-threatening when it occurs. Delayed VLCADD can be characterized by recurrent episodes of lethargy or even coma, hypoglycemia in infancy, and markedly enlarged liver in childhood (hepatomegaly). In late childhood and early adulthood, hypoglycemia becomes uncommon and is replaced by periodic episodes, muscle pain and collapse (rhabdomyolysis). When hypoglycemia associated with VLCADD occurs, there is little or no accumulation of ketone bodies (hypoglycemia) in the blood. (The ketone body is a chemical usually produced by fatty acid metabolism in the liver.) There are very complex chemical substances and unusual acid concentrations in the blood. If VLCADD is suspected, the patient's blood will be examined for these patterns. Affected people may experience acidosis repeatedly in blood and body tissues (metabolic acidosis), sudden stop of breathing (breathing stop), and even cardiac arrest. These symptoms may be related to cardiomyopathy (see below), listlessness, severe sleepiness (sleepiness), and coma. This acute attack can lead to potentially life-threatening complications if not treated promptly and appropriately. (See standard therapy below for details.) VLCADD deficiency may have evidence of fat deposition (fatty infiltration) and abnormal liver enlargement (hepatomegaly), poor muscle tone (low tension), and/or cardiomyopathy. For example, the left lower chamber (ventricle) of the heart may have abnormal thickening (hypertrophy) or stretching or dilatation (expansion) (ie, hypertrophic or dilated cardiomyopathy). Cardiomyopathy can result in decreased contractility of the heart, reduced circulation of blood through the lungs and other parts of the body (heart failure), and a variety of related symptoms that may depend on the nature and severity of the condition, the age of the patient, and other factors. The cause of VLCADD deficiency is inherited by autosomal recessive inheritance. VLCAD gene (ACADVL) gene map site 17p11.2-p11.1. The original report on long-chain acetyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (LCAD) in the literature is incorrect, and all previously published LCAD-deficient cases are VLCAD defects. Chromosomes are found in the nucleus of humans and carry the genetic information of each individual. Human cells usually have 46 chromosomes. The number of human chromosomes is 1 to 22, the sex chromosomes are X chromosomes and Y chromosomes, the males have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome, and the female chromosomes have two X chromosomes. Each chromosome has a short arm designated as "p" and a long arm designated as "q". The chromosome is further subdivided into a number of striped bands. For example, chromosome 17p11.2-p11.1 refers to a region between the 11.2 and 11.1 bands on the short arm of chromosome 17. The numbered bands specify the location of thousands of genes present on each chromosome. Genetic diseases are determined by a combination of genes from specific traits on the chromosomes of the father and mother. Recessive genetic disorders occur when an individual inherits a copy of a gene that does not function properly from every parent. If a person accepts a normal gene and a disease's gene, the person will be the carrier of the disease, but usually does not have symptoms. Parents of both carriers will inherit the defective gene, so there will be one affected child per pregnancy, the risk is 25%. At each pregnancy, the risk of having a child who is a carrier like a parent is 50%. For a child, the chance of accepting normal genes from both parents and maintaining a normal genetic trait is 25%. The risks for men and women are the same. All individuals carry some abnormal genes. Parents of close relatives (close relatives) are more likely to carry the same abnormal genes than unrelated parents, thereby increasing the risk of children with recessive genetic disorders. As noted above, VLCADD is a genetic disorder of fatty acid metabolism. Metabolic disorders are caused by structural and functional abnormalities of a particular protein called an enzyme. Enzymes are proteins that accelerate the body's chemical reactions. Enzymes are complex proteins that must be folded in a very precise manner to accelerate specific chemical reactions, allowing metabolism to proceed. The affected population VLCADD was originally described in 1992 and is now considered to have an incidence of 1:40,000 babies. Early diagnosis of neonatal VLCAD using heel rod tandem mass spectrometry significantly increased the number of infants who were found to have the disease. Related diseases The symptoms of the following diseases may be similar to VLCADD. Comparison may be helpful in differential diagnosis: There are several other genes that overlap with the symptoms in VLCADD during long-chain fatty acid oxidation. These defects include long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase or complete mitochondrial trifunctional protein deficiency, carnitine epalmitoyl transferase 1 and 2 deficiency, and carnitine-acylcarnitine transportase deficiency. They are all inherited in an autosomal manner. Medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD) is considered to be the most common fatty acid oxidation disorder. It is characterized by the lack of an enzyme that acts on long-chain fatty acids. In infancy or early childhood, affected people It usually begins to experience acute recurrent episodes caused by long-term fasting. Attacks may be characterized by elevated levels of acid (metabolic acidosis), hypoglycemia, vomiting, lethargy, coma, and/or cardiopulmonary arrest in blood and body tissues. Other findings may include liver fat infiltration, secondary carnitine deficiency, elevated levels of certain organic acids in the urine, and other abnormalities. MCAD deficiency is an autosomal recessive trait. (For more information on this disease, please select "Medium Chain" or "MCAD" as your search term in the rare disease database.) Glutathioneuria II (GluII) is a metabolic disorder characterized by Two enzyme deficiency, acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (electron transfer flavin or electron transfer flavin dehydrogenase), or an enzyme involved in riboflavin entry into cells or metabolized to flavin adenine dinucleotide . Symptoms and outcomes may be variable, and the reduction in disease severity appears to be related to an increase in age at the onset of symptoms. In the neonatal period, related abnormalities may include metabolic acidosis, hypoglycemia, elevated levels of various organic acids in the urine, odor of "sweating feet", poor muscle tone (low tension), enlarged liver (hepatic swelling) Big), cardiomyopathy and coma. In some of these cases, affected infants may also have facial abnormalities and multiple cysts in the kidney. Late onset disease may be associated with fasting-induced episodes characterized by hypoglycemia, metabolic acidosis, lethargy, coma, carnitine deficiency, and/or other related abnormalities. Glutathioneuria II is an autosomal recessive inheritance. (For more information on this disease, please select "glutaric aciduria II" as your search term in the rare disease database.) Reye syndrome is a rare disease that affects children around 4 to 12 years old. . In some cases, Reye syndrome was initially suspected to be a fatty acid oxidative disorder in infants or children, including VLCADD. The main feature of Reye syndrome is the rapid accumulation of liver fat, and the brain (acute encephalopathy) is suddenly inflamed and swollen. Related symptoms and outcomes may include sudden and severe persistent vomiting; elevated levels of certain liver enzymes in the blood (liver transaminase); severe disorientation; uncontrolled electrical disturbances in the brain (seizures); and coma. The cause of the disease is unknown. However, the onset of Rey's syndrome is associated with the use of aspirin-containing drugs (salicylate) in children or adolescents with certain viral diseases, especially upper respiratory tract infections (such as influenza B) or in some cases Use chickenpox (chicken pox). Because of the potential link between the use of drugs containing aspirin and the development of Reye syndrome, it is recommended that infants, children, adolescents and young people infected with the virus, such as influenza or varicella, be avoided. (For more information, use "Reye" as your search term in the rare disease database.) Diagnostic VLCADD can be diagnosed based on thorough clinical evaluation; identify characteristic findings (eg hypoglycemia, severe skeletal muscle weakness, heart) Increase); and the results of various specialized tests, including analysis of urine, blood, muscle, liver tissue, skin cells (cultured fibroblasts), and/or white blood cells (white blood cells). A complete family history is especially important in order to determine if a sudden infant death (SID) is in the family's past. One estimate is that VLCAD defects caused up to 5% of small island developing States to die before newborn screening began. In individuals with this disease, urinary organic acid analysis usually shows a decrease or loss of ketone bodies, and some levels of dibasic acids are elevated (ie, dicarboxylic aciduria, such as increased C6-C10, C12-C14 dicarboxylic acids). ). In some cases, elevated levels of creatine phosphokinase (CPK) in the blood and abnormal myoglobin in the urine (myosinuria) occur. Excision (biopsy) and microscopic examination of small sample liver tissue may also show changes in fat infiltration and mitochondria, although this is not necessary in clinical diagnosis. In addition, abnormal enlargement of the heart (cardiac enlargement) associated with cardiomyopathy may be apparent in chest X-ray examination. Prenatal diagnosis can be determined by enzymatic determination of cultured cells or cells obtained from amniotic fluid or villus sampling (CVS). (In amniocentesis, fluid samples around the developing fetus are removed and analyzed, while CVS involves removing tissue samples from a portion of the placenta.) Standard therapy for disease management and treatment is primarily directed at preventing and controlling acute attacks. Precautions include avoiding fasting for more than 10 to 12 hours, maintaining a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet, and frequent feeding (while keeping fasting to a minimum). Other recommendations may include the use of low fat nutritional supplements, medium chain triglycerides (such as MCT oil), and corn starch (eg, at bedtime). The doctor may also recommend supplementation with carnitine (carnitine) and/or riboflavin. If hospitalized for an acute attack, treatment may require immediate intravenous glucose (10% glucose) and additional support if necessary. Genetic counseling will also benefit affected individuals and their families. In addition, as mentioned above, diagnostic tests for siblings are critical to helping detect and properly manage the disease. Other treatments for this disease are symptomatic and supportive. Investigative Therapy is currently undergoing a clinical trial to treat VLCADD with three heptanolipids, an artificial fat that replaces the MCT oil diet. Studies published to date show that glycemic control is improved in patients treated with triheptanol and the number of rhabdominal episodes is reduced. Cardiomyopathy may also be improved. Bezobet is an experimental drug originally developed to reduce blood cholesterol. Coincidentally, it increases the amount of VLCAD protein in the cells. Limited clinical studies have been published to investigate the use of Bezobet in VLCAD defects, but no active clinical trials have been conducted. Information about current clinical trials can be published on the Internet at www.clinicaltrials.gov. All research funded by the US government, as well as some research supported by the private sector, are posted on this government website.
