
Chronic leukemia, divided into chronic myeloid leukemia andChronic lymphocyte leukemia. The main manifestations are lymphadenopathy, often accompanied by hepatosplenomegaly, anemia and bleeding, and a small number of patients are also associated with skin damage. There are many elderly people in this disease, occasionally young people, more men than women. According to the characteristics of clinical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly and fatigue of chronic leukemia, it belongs to the category of "symptoms", "accumulation", "sputum" and "virtual labor" of traditional Chinese medicine.

Pathological overview

Chronic myeloid leukemia, referred to as chronic granules (chronic myelognous leukemia, CML), is a clinically onset and relatively slow development of leukemia. He is a malignant proliferative disease originating from bone marrow pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells, which is characterized by expansion of the myeloid progenitor cell pool and excessive growth of the myeloid cell line and its progenitor cells. More than 90% of cases have CML marker chromosomes - the molecular biology of the ph1 chromosome is the ber/abl gene rearrangement. Clinically, CML is characterized by fatigue, weight loss, fever, splenomegaly and abnormal increase of white blood cells. The incidence of CML worldwide is not consistent. The incidence of CML incidence in China is 036/100,000 per year. In China, CML accounts for about 20% of all types of leukemia and 95% of chronic leukemia. The age of onset is widely distributed, but the incidence rate gradually increases with age. The incidence of men is higher than that of women. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, referred to as chronic lymphoblastic leukemia (CLL), is a disease in which the lymphocytes of the body are abnormally proliferated and accumulating with low immune function. The incidence of CLL in China is low, generally accounting for less than 10% of the total number of leukemias, ranking fourth in the leukemia type. Because of the extremely long lifespan of lymphocytes in patients with CLL, and often accompanied by defects in immune response, it is also called "immune incompetent lymphocyte accumulation disease."

Pathological cause

1. Chinese medicine

1 Seven emotions, internal injuries, emotional uneasiness, liver qi stagnation, qi stagnation for a long time, then qi stagnation and blood stasis, collaterals converge, blood stasis, long accumulation of blocks.

2 eating disorders, over-eating fat and wine, hurt the spleen and stomach, spleen and dysfunction, lose the fluid without weight, wet turbidity endogenous, condensed into a product, sputum gas, blood flow is not smooth, sputum endogenous.

3 is impermanent, the cold temperature is not adjusted, and the external evil is felt.

2, Western medicine

(1) Pathogenesis of chronic myeloid leukemia

(1) Cytogenetics

(2) G-6-PD isoenzyme

(3) Cell dynamics

(4) The role of spleen factors in the pathogenesis of CML, many experimental and clinical observations indicate that the spleen is conducive to leukemia cell migration, proliferation and rapid changes. The granulosa cell proliferation state is different. The spleen not only "captures" leukemia cells, but also is a "warehouse" and a "concealed place" of leukemia cells, and provides a favorable environment for its proliferation and metastasis, and makes leukemia cells in the bone marrow. The round-trip circulation between the blood and the spleen increases, and the normal release regulation process of the cells is destroyed.

(B) the pathogenesis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia

(1) Chromosomal abnormalities

(2) Cloning of leukemia

(3) abnormal cell dynamics

Pathological classification:

Chronic leukemia is divided into chronic myeloid leukemia and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

1. Fever: It is a common symptom of this disease. Low fever is more common in the disease, and high fever is often caused by infection. The site of infection usually occurs in the mouth, respiratory tract, urinary tract, perianal and skin.

2. Bleeding: It can occur in any part of the skin and mucous membranes in the whole body. In severe cases, there may be visceral hemorrhage and even fatal intracranial blood.

3. Anemia: Most patients have varying degrees of anemia. It is pale, dizzy, weak, and short of heart.

Clinical manifestation

1, clinical manifestations

Most of the patients are elderly, the onset is very slow, often without self-conscious symptoms, and occasionally confirmed by laboratory examination.

(1) Symptoms: early fatigue, fatigue, dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath, weight loss, low fever, night sweats, skin purpura, itchy skin, bone pain, often susceptible to infection, about 10% of patients can be complicated by autoimmune hemolytic anemia.

(2) Signs: 1 lymph node enlargement, the most common lymph node enlargement in the neck, followed by axillary, groin and trochlear lymph nodes, generally moderate hardness, smooth surface, no tenderness, no redness and no adhesion of the epidermis. If the mediastinal lymph nodes are swollen, compression of the bronchi causes coughing, hoarseness or difficulty breathing. CT scan revealed a retroperitoneal, mesenteric lymph node enlargement. 2 hepatosplenomegaly: mild hepatic swelling, splenomegaly accounted for about 72%, usually 3 to 4crn under the ribs, individual patients can flatten the umbilicus, swelling is less than chronic myeloid leukemia. 3 skin damage: skin thickening, nodules, so that systemic erythroderma can occur.

2, laboratory inspection

(1) Blood: The total number of white blood cells is often >15×109/L, generally 30×109/L~200×109/L. About 80%~90% of the classification are mature small lymphocytes, a small number of atypical lymphocytes and young Lymphocytes, broken cells are easy to see on blood, and hemoglobin and platelet counts decrease as the disease progresses. Anemia is positive cells, positive pigmented anemia, and reticulocytes are elevated when hemolyzed.

(2) Bone marrow: It shows that hyperplasia is active, lymphatic system predominates, mature small lymphocytes account for 50% to 90%, occasionally primitive and immature lymphocytes, and red, granulocyte and giant three-cell cells are significantly reduced in the late stage. When there is hemolysis, erythroid cells can show compensatory hyperplasia.

(3) Immunological examination: the cell surface marker has monoclonality, and the cells have immunological characteristics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (Sig, CD5, C3d, CD19, CD20, CD4, rat red blood cell rose petal receptor is positive), individual patients Monoclonal immunoglobulins are visible in the blood. The anti-human globulin test was positive at the time of hemolysis.

(4) Cytogenetics: About half of chronic lymphocytic leukemias have chromosomal abnormalities. The most common number abnormality is the addition of a chromosome 12 (+12), followed by the supernumerous number 3, 16, or 18. Common structural abnormalities are the translocation of the long arm of chromosomes 12 and 11, the deletion of the short arm or long arm of chromosome 6, the deletion of the long arm of chromosome 11, and the increase of chromosomes such as the increase of the long arm of chromosome 14. It has been reported that patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia with "+12" have a significantly shorter period of time from the diagnosis to the clinical signs of treatment indications than the control group without "+12", so it is considered that "+12" seems to be short and the course of disease is poor. The prognosis is related.

(5) Biochemistry and histochemistry: The lymphocyte PAS reaction was strongly positive, and about one-third of patients had positive Coomb's test. Some patients have hypogammaglobulinemia, and the conversion rate of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) is significantly reduced.

3. Chronic lymphocytosis: Chronic lymphocyte acute changes are rare, and the time to rapid changes can vary from 1 to 20 years. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, acute monocytic leukemia, stem cell leukemia, acute plasma cell leukemia and erythroleukemia can occur. Once a sudden change occurs, it often dies quickly.

Diagnostic criteria

(1) Clinical manifestations:

1 may have fatigue, physical decline, weight loss, low fever, anemia or bleeding performance.

2 may have lymph nodes (including head and neck, armpits, groin), liver, splenomegaly.

(2) Laboratory inspection:

1 peripheral blood WBC>10×109/L, lymphocyte ratio ≥50%, absolute value≥5×109/L, the morphology is mainly mature lymphocytes, and naive lymphocytes or atypical lymphocytes can be seen.

2 bone marrow: bone marrow hyperplasia is active or significantly active, lymphocytes ≥ 40%, mainly mature lymphocytes.

(3) Immunotype:

1B-CLL: mouse rosette test positive: SIg weakly positive, showing K or λ monoclonal light chain; CD5, CD19, CD20 positive; CD10, CD22 negative.

2T-CLL: Sheep rosette test positive: CD2, CD3, CD8 (or CD4) positive, CD5 negative.

(4) Morphological classification: B-CLL is divided into 3 subtypes:

1 Typical CLL: More than 90% are similar mature small lymphocytes.

2CLL is associated with juvenile lymphocytosis (CLL/PL): immature lymphocytes >10%, but <50%.


Azure grain

The T-CLL cell morphology is divided into the following four types:

1 large lymphocyte type: the cell volume is large, the cytoplasm is light blue, there are fine or thick azure particles inside, the nucleus is round or oval, often biased to one side, chromatin aggregates, nuclear Ren is rare.

2 naive T cell type: nucleus basophilic enhancement, no particles, nucleoli is obvious.

3 small or large lymphocytes in the nucleus of the brain.

4 cells have various forms, and the nucleus has many lobes.

(5) Clinical staging criteria:

Stage 1I: lymphocytosis, may be associated with lymphadenopathy.

Stage 2II: Stage I plus liver or splenomegaly, thrombocytopenia <100×109/L.

Stage 3III: Stage I or II plus anemia (Hb <100g/L).

Except for lymphoma with leukemia and juvenile lymphocytic leukemia, peripheral blood lymphocytes continue to increase for ≥ 3 months, and can rule out diseases such as viral infection, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, infectious mononucleosis and other lymphocytosis, which should be highly suspected. The disease. In the longer-term continuous observation, lymphocytes still have no decline, combined with clinical, blood, bone marrow and immunophenotype, can be diagnosed as the disease.

Differential diagnosis

In terms of lymphadenopathy, leukocytosis and hepatosplenomegaly, it is clinically necessary to distinguish from the following diseases.

(1) Chronic myeloid leukemia: leukocytes increased significantly (100 × 109 ~ 500 × 109 / L), the middle and late myelocyte proliferation in the bone marrow, neutrophil alkaline phosphatase decreased or disappeared, there is Ph 'Chromosome positive, splenomegaly significant.

(2) Chronic monocytic leukemia: white blood cell count is mild, moderately high, liver, spleen, lymph node enlargement is not significant, blood and bone marrow are mainly mature monocytes, occasionally young monocytes.

(3) Lymphoma: lymph nodes are progressive painless enlargement, deep lymph nodes can compress adjacent organs, no special changes in blood picture, bone marrow smear and biopsy find Reed-sternbery cells or lymphoma cells. Lymph node biopsy showed that the normal follicular structure was destroyed by a large number of abnormal lymphocytes or tissue cells; the surrounding tissues of the capsule also had abnormal lymphocytes or tissue cells infiltrating; the capsule and the subcapsular sinus were also destroyed.

(4) Lymph node tuberculosis: often localized lymph nodes in the neck, soft lymph nodes, tenderness and adhesions, and even necrosis or ulceration. Lymph node biopsy: tuberculosis or caseous necrosis. Anti-tuberculosis treatment is effective.

(5) Viral infection: Lymphocytosis is polyclonal, and the increase is temporary. With the control of infection, the number of lymphocytes returns to normal.


1. Principle of treatment: For the treatment of chronic granules, it is not necessary to be rushed. Patients with a white blood cell count below 100×109/L do not need immediate treatment. Because the circulation is mainly mature granules, the volume is smaller than the original cells and has better deformability. If the white blood cell count is above 200×109/L, active treatment measures should be taken. Currently, cytotoxic drugs are used as chemotherapy. For those symptoms caused by extreme hyperplasia of white blood cells, such as abnormal penile erection, respiratory distress, blurred vision, psychopathy, etc., should be treated with myelosuppressive agents on the basis of acute leukocyte removal.

2. Chemotherapy: Effective drugs are BUS (Maliland), HU (Hydroxyurea), CTX, CLB, 6-MP (6-mercaptopurine), MMC (Mitomycin). Among them, BUS is the preferred drug, followed by HU. BUS is currently the most effective drug, with a response rate of over 95%. It is convenient to take this medicine. The usage is 2 mg 3 times a day, and it is used until the white blood cells fall below 14×109/L for discontinuation or intermittent administration. The general rule is that the symptoms are improved after 1-2 weeks of treatment, and obviously improved after 4 to 6 weeks. When the white blood cells were reduced to 10 × 109 / L, the amount was reduced to 1-2 mg / d, which was maintained for 2-3 months. After stopping the drug, if the white blood cell fluctuation is between 10 and 50×109/L, it can be considered to maintain the small dose for more than one year. Leukocytes should be reduced to 5-10 x 109/L platelets below 100×109/L, or there should be a tendency to slow granules to stop. The toxic side effects of Malilan are mainly myelosuppression, especially thrombocytopenia. Individual patients may have a complete reduction in blood cells and a slower recovery, although the dose is small. Long-term use of this drug can cause pulmonary fibrosis and skin pigmentation. Similar to the symptoms of chronic adrenal insufficiency, lack of semen or menopause. The starting dose of HU was 3 g per day, orally. After use, the number of white blood cells drops rapidly. When it is reduced to about 20 x 109 / L, the dose is reduced to half; when it is reduced to 10 × 109 / L, the dose is further reduced. The maintenance dose is about 0.5-1.0 g per day. Generally, the drug is not completely stopped, and the white blood cell count rises rapidly after stopping the drug. The advantage of this medicine is that it is fast; if the white blood cells drop too much, it can rise quickly after stopping the drug;

The disadvantage is that regular blood tests are needed to guide treatment. In addition, slow granules can also be treated in combination with α-IFN (α-interferon). Methods, oral HU2.0-6.0g / d, while subcutaneous injection. α-IFV 3 million u, iv, 3 times a week, application 8 to 32 weeks. When the white blood cells are reduced to 10 × 109 / L, the HU reduction continues for 1-2 weeks, depending on the situation or with a small dose. The HU maintenance amount is 0.5-1.0/d, and those who have the condition can continue to use it. α-IFN 3 million u, iv, once a week. The blood routine was checked twice a week during the medication, and the bone marrow was examined every 4 weeks.

3. Radiation therapy: deep x-ray, with deep x-rays to the whole body and local liver and spleen areas and infiltrated parts. The spleen area irradiation dose is 50 cGy, and thereafter 100 to 200 cGy per day or every other day. When the white blood cells fell to 20 × 109 / L, they stopped. Radiotherapy can be used for poor or recurrent chemotherapy. It is reported that its efficacy is not lower than BUS. Radionuclide 32P treatment is only used for poor efficacy of BUS and spleen radiotherapy. The dose of 32P is determined according to the degree of leukocytosis. If the total number of white blood cells is >50×109/L, the starting dose of 32P is 1-2.5 mCi, and intravenous injection. After 2 weeks, 1-1.5 mCi was used, and the same dose was given once every 2 weeks, and was stopped when the white blood cells fell to 20×109/L. During the remission period, observation was performed once every 1-3 months, and when the white blood cells were >25×109/L, 1-1.5 mCi could be given.

4. Splenectomy: The spleen may be the first site of chronic granule dysfunction. Resection of the spleen may delay jerk and prolong survival. Surgical indications for resection of the spleen: 1 confirmed as slow-particle; 2 good response to chemotherapy; 365 years of age and no major surgery contraindications. Slow granule catastrophe is a contraindication to surgery.

5. Bone marrow transplantation: Patients aged 45-50 years in the chronic phase are transplanted with the same allogeneic bone marrow of the brothers and sisters HLA. Successful transplants generally achieve long-term survival or cure.

6. Other treatments: If the number of white blood cells before chemotherapy is above 500×109/L, you can use a blood cell separator for leukapheresis to rapidly reduce the number of white blood cells and avoid the risk of cerebrovascular accident caused by excessive white blood cells that may block microvessels. At the beginning of chemotherapy, especially when treated with Hu, it is advisable to add 0.1 g of allopurinol 3 times a day to prevent uric acid nephropathy caused by excessive destruction of cells.

7. Treatment of chronic granule blast: The treatment of chronic granule dysfunction is more difficult than the treatment of acute leukemia, and the complete remission is only 10.7%. The current treatment plan for chronic granule dysfunction is as follows: Ara-c (cyclic cytarabine) 100mg/m2•d, 1-14 days; ADM (doxorubicin) 30 mg/m2•d, days 1-3; VCR 2 mg, day 1; the above drugs were intravenously infused. PDN 40mg/m2•d, divided orally, day -7.

Conventional treatment

The clinical practice of chronic granules can be divided into three stages: chronic phase, accelerated phase and blast phase. The clinical manifestations of each phase are different. The chronic phase treatment can be based on traditional Chinese medicine, combined with chemotherapeutic drugs. Acceleration and blast phase should be based on chemotherapy. Chinese medicine treatment.

Western medicine treatment

Chronic myeloid leukemia

1. Efficacy criteria: The judgment of the therapeutic effect of CML can be divided into different water evaluations such as blood morphology, cytogenetics and molecular biology. CML hematologic remission criteria are: clinical no anemia, hemorrhage, infection and leukocyte infiltration; blood: red blood cells above 100g / L, white blood cell count is less than 10 × 109 / L, classification no immature cells, platelets in (100 ~ 400) × 109 / L; bone marrow is normal. The criterion for CML cytogenetic remission is the disappearance of the ph1 chromosome that marks the CML clone.

2, a single chemotherapy drug treatment of single drug CML applicable drugs including alkylating agents such as: Malilan,Melphalan, chlorambucil, dibromomannitol, etc., antimetabolites such as hydroxyurea, 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP), 6-thiol raft (6-TG), etc.HomoharringtonineAnd the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, hematology research and application of Chinese medicine, 靛玉红 and 靛 靛.

3, combined chemotherapy in the treatment of acute leukemia combined with chemotherapy in the treatment of single-agent, for CML people in recent years also tried to use combination chemotherapy.

4, interferon interferon (IFN) has antiviral, inhibit cell proliferation, induce differentiation, immune regulation and other IFN can be divided into three major categories of α, β, γ, IFN-α and IFN-β are stable to acid, have the same Receptors are produced by white blood cells and fibroblasts.

5, bone marrow transplantation and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation

(1) Autologous bone marrow transplantation (ABMT) or autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (APBCT): The purpose of ABMT and APBSCT in the treatment of CML is mainly to prolong the chronic phase or to return the advanced patient to the chronic phase, thereby prolonging the patient's survival.

(2) Isogenic bone marrow transplantation: This kind of BMT is the first treatment for BMT treatment of CML disease.

(3) Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation: Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (ALLo-BMT) is almost the only means to completely cure CML, and it is also the best method for CML treatment.

(4) Treatment in the accelerated phase and the blast phase When the CML enters the accelerated phase, the condition is unstable, and about two-thirds of the patients will suddenly change. This stage has been advanced in CML and treatment is difficult.

Prognosis outcome

It is currently considered that the age is less than 40 years old, the splenomegaly is not obvious, the platelets in the peripheral blood are lower, the percentage of blast cells is not high, and the CR is less than 1 year and the short time before BMT is a favorable factor for CML. CML can eventually be combined with myelofibrosis, acute leukemia and multiple organ failure, and death due to serious complications such as infection and bleeding. The course of CLL is very different, as short as 1~2 years, as long as 5~10 years, even 20 years. The length of the disease is related to the condition of the disease, systemic disease, hepatosplenomegaly, blood and bone marrow changes. Generally, the age is too large, the prognosis is good, the asymptomatic period before the treatment, the longevity period is long, and the prognosis is poor. The common cause of death is infection, especially the lung infection. Chronic urgency and death are rare.

Rehabilitation guidance

1. Living conditioning For those exposed to radioactive materials and chemicals such as benzene, labor protection should be strengthened and blood images should be checked regularly. Drugs that may cause leukemia, such as cytotoxic drugs, chloramphenicol, etc. should be used with caution. CML and CLL occur mostly in middle-aged and elderly people, and the onset is slow. Longer course of disease and poor prognosis, so early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment are needed. Once the disease occurs, it is necessary to maintain oral hygiene and prevent infection. It is necessary to be emotional, be careful, and avoid the cold. Actively participate in exercise

2, diet conditioning

(1) Jujube Yanggu Tang is broken with two pieces of sheep's tibia, 30 red dates, add boiled water, seasoning clothes. This side has the effect of replenishing spleen and replenishing qi, nourishing kidney and nourishing blood.

(2) When yam porridge is used for chemotherapy, it is necessary to use yam and porridge to strengthen the spleen and stomach and promote food absorption.

(3) When there is fever and hemorrhage, use fresh glutinous rice 30g, fresh white radish root 30g, and decoction to reduce symptoms.

3, mental conditioning suffering from leukemia, we must have a correct understanding, establish the concept of fighting disease, happy mood, reduce bad stimulation and overwork, strengthen physical exercise, increase disease resistance.

Research progress

1. From the evil poisoning theory, the occurrence of chronic leukemia is caused by chronic sputum, and the sputum nucleus is a characteristic manifestation. It is the sinister poison invading the body, lurking the meridians, blocking the operation of the air machine, and qi stagnation occurs for a long time. The blood goes with the gas, the gas line is bloody, the qi stagnation is bloody, and the blood stasis occurs with the occurrence of qi stagnation, and the stagnation becomes a stagnation block for a long time; the qi stagnation is unfavorable for the fluid transportation, and it is integrated into the sputum. For the auditor. Zhengqi deficiency is the internal cause of cult poisoning.

2, the reason for the phase of the fire is slow granules. The morbid hyperplasia of slow granules is the image of yang yin and yin. The main bone of the kidney is myelin, so its disease is in the kidney, and it is the yang of the kidney. It is the main pathogenesis of slow granules. Because of the violent and fierce violent fire, it can hurt the vitality, and the yin and yin, and the qi and yin are both wounded and lack of blood. It is called "the thief of vitality", and the non-self-limited malignant proliferation of leukemia cells with slow granules destroys normal. The hematopoietic function is relatively consistent. As the phase of the fire is not static, and the intensification of the heat, the heat is poisonous, the result of harming the vitality is that the chronic particles have a relatively stable chronic phase reduced to the acceleration period, the inevitable deterioration to the catastrophic period. Therefore, the key to the occurrence and development of slow granules is the yin and yang imbalance in the human body.


The natural incidence of leukemia in China is about 4/100,000, and about 40,000 leukemia patients are added each year, 40% of whom are children, and most of them are children aged 2-7. In the face of so many childhood leukemia, parents are most concerned about how to prevent it. In this regard, experts engaged in blood disease research have the following suggestions:

First, we must reduce indoor indoor environmental pollution and keep children's living room air circulation. Family decoration should choose green materials and avoid children in the decoration for half a year.

The second child should have a minor illness and should be treated scientifically under the guidance of a doctor. Nowadays, there are more and more drug supermarkets, prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs can be bought anytime and anywhere, and the risk of drug use exists at the same time. For example, a headache with a cold that consumes antibiotics containing benzene rings can have an effect on children's blood. Therefore, parents should take good care of children, and they are suffering from minor illnesses.

The third is to take more children to the fresh air parks, green areas and other places to do outdoor sports to enhance children's physical fitness and improve children's immunity. Rural children should avoid direct contact with pesticides, fertilizers and other items.

Fourth, let children stay away from microwave radiation, minimize contact time with microwave-powered appliances such as mobile phones, computers, and televisions, and avoid genetic mutations caused by low immunity of children, thus inducing blood diseases.

Fifth, we must pay attention to food safety, and prohibit children from eating inferior small foods with preservatives and additives exceeding the standard. Residues of pesticides in fruits and vegetables and antibiotics that prevent the onset of poultry can lead to an increase in leukemia in children. Therefore, parents should choose green food to prevent secondary pollution on the table.

In short, leukemia is not caused by a single factor, but is the result of a combination of factors contributing to the body. If parents pay attention to the above aspects, it will definitely reduce the occurrence of leukemia. If your child has leukemia, don't panic. With the rapid development of medicine, leukemia is no longer an incurable disease. White blood Fuzheng San can effectively help children get rid of leukemia's claws and protect their healthy growth!

Dietary care

Chronic leukemia patients are very important in treatment and rehabilitation. It is recommended that patients with chronic leukemia should meet the following requirements in diet:

1. It is advisable to supply nutritious soft foods such as low fat, high protein and rich in vitamins. Do not eat fried, hard, sharp food, do not eat alcohol and tobacco, so as not to stimulate or cause oral ulcers.

2. When the patient has ulcers or bleeding in the mouth, he should be given a warm half-flow or full-flow juice-like diet, which can eat less meals and avoid hot food.

3. When the patient feels abdominal pain, they can temporarily fast to observe the changes of abdominal pain. If nausea, vomiting, or blood in the stool occurs, fasting is also required. After the blood is stopped for 24 hours, a small amount of thinner food is given.

4. For people with chronic leukemia who have blood transfusions, pay attention to the results of blood tests. Patients with high iron content in blood should not eat iron-rich foods, and do not use iron pots for meals.

5. Patients who have been treated with hormone for a long time are prone to osteoporosis and stressful digestive tract ulcers. Therefore, they should insist on drinking fresh milk every day and eat some fresh vegetables and fruits.

Dietary medicated diet

Chronic leukemia patients need to give high calorie, high protein, rich in vitamins, minerals and digestible diets to supplement the body's calories and the consumption of various nutrients. Especially during chemotherapy, patients often have loss of appetite, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and other digestive tract reactions, should pay attention to the color, aroma, taste and type of dishes to cause appetite.

1, goose blood porridge: 100 grams of goose blood, 50 grams of glutinous rice. Fresh goose blood is steamed and cooked, and the glutinous rice is cooked. Adding goose blood and salt to boil the drink, it is effective.

2, glutinous rice, pig liver, lotus seeds, jujube porridge: 50 grams of glutinous rice, 20 grams of lotus seeds (blister), cooked pig liver (cut into diced) 30 grams, jujube 10, add water to the amount of porridge, morning and evening service, there are The role of prevention and treatment of anemia.

3, jujube longan glutinous rice porridge: jujube 10, 20 grams of longan, 40 grams of glutinous rice, add water to the amount of porridge, eat sooner or later. Jujube, longan and Huimi are all products of Jianpiyiwei nourishing. Regular consumption can enhance physical fitness and improve the body's anti-cancer immune function. Tumor patients with anemia, physical weakness or due to radiotherapy, chemotherapy caused by low hemoglobin, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, have a good adjuvant effect.

4, Cordyceps sinensis soup: the use of high content of natural cordycepin Fulingmen Cordyceps sinensis, taken after crushing, 1.5 grams each time, 2 times a day, most patients taking a month to achieve good results. The study found that Cordyceps sinensis has a major role in the human hematopoietic system because Cordyceps polysaccharide can increase the hematopoietic function of bone marrow cells, promote erythropoiesis, and fight leukemia and neutropenia. This has a positive effect on some leukemia patients or patients undergoing chemotherapy.

5, pig's trotters soy milk soup: 1 fresh pig's trotters, 25 grams of soybeans, 10 grams of dried white fungus, 10 grams of salt, water amount. First cook the trotters soy beans, then add the white fungus to cook for 5 to 10 minutes, even the soup. This product can not only increase the nutrition of patients, but also enhance the tolerance of cancer patients to radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

6, fresh mushrooms, cabbage dumplings

100 grams of fresh mushrooms, 500 grams of flour and cabbage, and seasoning.

Flour and traces of salt, 200 grams of cold water, rubbed into a smooth, soft dough, and awake for 15 minutes. Wash the cabbage, boil in boiling water, mash, mix with fresh mushrooms, add ginger juice, chopped green onion, rice wine, salt, sesame oil, monosodium glutamate, prepare into a filling, divide the dough into 60 portions, knead, and make dumplings. , cooked in boiling water. Detoxification and anti-cancer effect. Suitable for leukemia, uterine cancer, skin cancer, sarcoma and so on.

7, glutinous rice, pig liver, lotus seeds, jujube porridge: 50 grams of glutinous rice, 20 grams of lotus seeds (blister), cooked pig liver (cut into Ding) 30 grams, 10 jujubes, add water to the amount of porridge, morning and evening service, there are The role of prevention and treatment of anemia.

8, glutinous rice turtle

One turtle (鳖) (about 500 grams), 50 grams of glutinous rice, seasoning amount. After the turtle is slaughtered, it is boiled with boiling water, remove the black mud from the back, open a cross-shaped mouth in the abdomen, go to the internal organs and the butter in the claws, use wine, ginger, and salt for half an hour. After the glutinous rice is soaked, fill in the turtle belly. Inside, add onions, ginger, salt, MSG, etc., steam on the drawer for 2 to 2.5 hours. It has the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing the yin and softening. Applicable to yin deficiency hot flashes, hepatosplenomegaly embolism.
