
Thrombocytopenia(Primary hemorrhagic thrombocythemia) is an unexplained abnormal proliferation with myeloproliferative diseases.


Unexplained abnormal proliferation.

Chinese medicine believes that: the basic pathogenesis of this disease is blood stasis, blood stasis can be caused by cold coagulation, qi stagnation, qi deficiency, heat evil, yin deficiency, liver stagnation and other factors. Tang Rongchuan's "The Theory of Blood Syndrome" listed Xiaoxiao as one of the four methods of blood test, and explored the relationship between blood stasis and bleeding. Emphasize that "everyone is bloody, and he is eager to take advantage of it." He believes that "spit, sputum, and blood are all inseparable, and the blood of the blood is incompatible with the blood of the body." Can not be added to good blood, but against the metaplasia of new blood, so the blood card is always based on sputum.

an examination:

Clinical manifestations: symptoms and signs caused by hemorrhage, thrombosis, splenomegaly.

Platelet count: >1000×109/L.

Platelets in blood samples accumulate in the heap and can have large platelets.

Myeloid hyperplasia is active and above, megakaryocytes increase, body size, and cytoplasm is abundant.

Secondary thrombocytopenia and other myeloproliferative disorders should be excluded.

Laboratory inspection:

Bone marrow: hyperplasia and above, megakaryocytes increase.

Platelet aggregation test.

Neutrophil alkaline phosphatase staining (NAP).


The number of platelets exceeds 400,000/mm3 as thrombocytosis.
