
由马萨诸塞州综合医院(MGH)调查员领导的一个团队报告了首次成功使用一种靶向治疗药物来治疗一个衰弱的复发性脑肿瘤患者。在《国家癌症研究所杂志》在线发表的一篇论文中,研究人员报告说,用BRAF抑制剂 达拉菲尼 治疗促使了一个BRAF突变型颅咽管瘤的缩小,该瘤甚至在四次手术后复发。在达拉菲尼治疗一年多后,再进行手术和放疗,患者的肿瘤没有复发。 JNCI报告的共同作者、MGH癌症中心的Priscilla Brastianos博士说:”这是第一次显示出一种系统疗法对这种类型的肿瘤有疗效。”这有可能完全改变乳头状颅咽管瘤的管理,它可能给患者带来终身问题–包括视觉缺陷、智力受损、垂体和其他荷尔蒙功能紊乱。” 颅咽管瘤是垂体肿瘤,虽然在技术上是良性的,但由于其位置靠近关键结构,如视神经和其他颅神经以及下丘脑,因此会造成严重问题。生长中的肿瘤不仅会因撞击这些结构而损害神经和激素功能,而且通过手术切除或放射治疗也会因损害邻近组织而产生同样的症状。此外,由于肿瘤可以粘附在附近的大脑和血管结构上,因此很难完全切除,导致常常迅速复发。 JNCI论文中描述的病人在另一个国家接受脑瘤手术治疗7个月后,因意识模糊、视力受损、严重头痛和呕吐来到MGH急诊科。CT扫描显示,一个4厘米的囊性肿瘤–肿瘤被包裹在一个充满液体的囊中–压迫着中脑结构,阻碍了脑脊液的排出。虽然他的症状在手术切除部分肿瘤后有所改善,但并没有消失;六周后他回到了MGH,这次几乎处于昏迷状态。 MGH的神经外科医生再次切除了肿瘤,并证实这是一个BRAF突变的颅咽管瘤。但两周后,在计划的放射治疗进行之前,他的病情再次恶化,进入最小反应状态,导致第四次紧急手术。七周后,他又回到了医院,视力逐渐下降,核磁共振成像显示肿瘤再次复发。由于这个肿瘤的生长可能是由BRAF突变驱动的,而BRAF突变是众所周知的驱动黑色素瘤和其他恶性肿瘤生长的因素,该团队决定尝试用达拉非尼进行治疗,达拉非尼被FDA批准用于治疗BRAF突变的黑色素瘤。 仅仅经过四天的治疗,患者的肿瘤就缩小了约25%;而到了第17天,肿瘤的大小只有治疗前的一半,周围的囊肿也缩小了70%。第21天,治疗小组在方案中加入了MEK抑制剂曲美替尼,众所周知,曲美替尼能增强BRAF抑制的效果;到第35天,肿瘤和囊肿的大小都比治疗前减少了80%以上。第38天进行了内窥镜手术,切除了可触及的肿瘤,一周后停止了药物治疗,不久又进行了放射治疗。在写这篇论文时,该患者已经连续7个月没有症状,并且在最后一次治疗一年多后继续保持。 除了在切除的肿瘤组织中发现达拉菲尼抗肿瘤作用的证据外,研究人员还惊讶地发现,在患者治疗过程中多次采集的血液样本中存在BRAF突变。”JNCI论文的共同第一作者、MGH神经外科的William Curry, Jr.医生说:”这一结果绝对是新颖的。”在血液中发现BRAF突变的证据,提高了潜在诊断这种突变的希望,也许在手术前用靶向治疗缩小这些肿瘤,这可能使手术切除更安全,对一些病人来说可能不需要”。他还指出,由于颅咽管瘤在分子上没有恶性肿瘤那么复杂,它们可能不太可能对BRAF抑制产生抗性,这个问题一直困扰着几种类型癌症的靶向治疗。 JNCI论文的共同第一作者、布莱根妇女医院病理科的Sandro Santagata博士补充说:”我们能够从确定乳头状颅咽管瘤的遗传驱动因素到在需要帮助的病人身上测试这一想法,这相当了不起。就在去年,我们与Brastianos博士及其同事一起,在《自然-遗传学》上首次描述了几乎所有的乳头状颅咽管瘤都有BRAF的突变。这与许多黑色素瘤中发现的突变相同,使我们能够使用在黑色素瘤患者中大有可为的治疗策略”。 本文来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除。来源:medicalxpress.com/news/2015-11-treatment-rapid-shrinkage-recurrent-braf-mutant.html

Dalafeni Chinese Description

EMA/155658/2017 EMEA/H/C/002604 EPAR Summary of the Public Tafinlar Dabrafenib This is a summary of Tafinlar's European Public Assessment Report (EPAR). It explains how the Agency evaluates drugs to recommend their authorization in the EU and its conditions of use. It is not intended to provide practical advice on how to use Tafinlar. For practical information on using Tafinlar, patients should read the package insert or contact their doctor or pharmacist. What is Tafinlar, what is it used for? Tafinlar is a cancer drug used to treat adults: Melanoma (a type of skin cancer) has spread or cannot be surgically removed. Tafinlar is used alone or in combination with trametinib, another cancer drug for the treatment of melanoma; advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Tafinlar is used in conjunction with tramiteinib. Tafinlar is only suitable for patients with cancer cells with specific genetic mutations (changes) called "BRAF" V600'. Tafinlar contains the active substance dabrafenib. How is Tafinlar used? Tafinlar treatment must be initiated and supervised by a physician with experience in the use of cancer medications. This medicine is only available by prescription. Tafinlar is available as a capsule (50 and 75 mg). The dosage of Tafinlar used alone or in combination with trimetinib was 150 mg twice daily. Tafinlar is taken at least one hour before the meal or two hours after the meal. As long as the patient benefits, Tafinlar can continue to use. If certain side effects occur, it may be necessary to interrupt or stop treatment, or to reduce the dose. For more information, see the product feature summary (also part of the EPAR). How does Tafinlar work? The active substance dabrafenib in Tafinlar acts by blocking BRAF, a protein involved in stimulating cell division. In melanoma and non-small cell lung cancer with BRAF V600 mutations, the abnormal form of BRAF plays a role in the development of cancer by allowing uncontrolled division of tumor cells. By blocking the effects of abnormal BRAF, Tafinlar helps slow the growth and spread of cancer. Tafinlar is only suitable for patients with cancer caused by mutations in the BRAF V600. Research shows what benefits does Tafinlar have? Melanoma In patients with melanoma with a BRAF V600 mutation, Tafinlar is more effective than the cancer drug dacarbazine in controlling melanoma that has spread to other parts of the body or that cannot be surgically removed. This is based on a major study involving 250 patients measuring the patient's longevity before disease progression (no progression survival). In this study, patients given Tafinlar required an average of 6.9 months before the condition worsened, compared with 2.7 months for patients given dacarbazine. Two other studies focused on the use of Tafinlar and Trametinib. In one study, 423 patients used a combination or Tafinlar alone. Patients given this combination survived for 11 months without disease progression, while patients given Tafinlar alone survived for 8.8 months without disease progression. In a second study involving 704 patients, Tafinlar and trametinib were compared to another melanoma drug, vemurafenib. Patients given this combination lived an average of 25.6 months, compared with 18 months using vemurafenib. Non-small cell lung cancer In a major study, 171 patients with non-small cell lung cancer with BRAF V600 mutation received Tafinlar combined with trimetinib or Tafinlar alone. The primary measure of effectiveness is the percentage of patients who respond in whole or in part to treatment. The response to treatment is assessed using body scans and clinical data from the patient. The use of Tafinlar and trametinib resulted in more than 60% of patients responding, compared with 23% of patients using Tafinlar alone. What are the risks of Tafinlar? The most common side effects of Tafinlar alone (more than 15% of patients) are papilloma (疣), headache, nausea, vomiting, hyperkeratosis (skin thickening and hardening), hair loss, rash, joint pain, fever and fatigue . When Tafinlar is used in combination with trametinib, the most common side effects (more than 20% of patients) are fever, fatigue, nausea, headache, chills, diarrhea, rash, joint pain, high blood pressure, vomiting and coughing. For a complete list of all the side effects reported by Tafinlar, please refer to the package insert. Why is Tafinlar approved? The agency's Human Drugs Committee (CHMP) determines that Tafinlar's interests outweigh its risks and recommends approval for use in the EU. The committee concluded that Tafinlar (used alone or in combination with trametinib) has significant clinically relevant benefits in patients with BRAF V600 mutations in which the melanoma has spread or has not been surgically removed. Similar benefits were shown when Tafinlar was combined with trametinib for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Side effects are considered acceptable and controllable through appropriate measures. What measures are being taken to ensure the safe and effective use of Tafinlar? The recommendations and precautions that medical professionals and patients should follow to use Tafinlar safely and effectively are included in the product feature summary and package insert. Additional information about Tafinlar The European Commission granted an effective listing permit for the entire European Union Tafinlar on August 26, 2013. Read more...
