
观察性研究表明,磷脂脂肪酸 (FA) 对癌症的病因有影响,但结果相互矛盾。我们旨在调查磷脂 FA 与乳腺癌和前列腺癌的因果关系。 选择 14 个单核苷酸多态性 (SNP) 作为工具变量来预测来自全基因组关联研究 (GWAS) 的 10 种磷脂 FA 的水平。我们从乳腺癌协会联盟 (BCAC) 和前列腺癌协会小组获得了乳腺癌(113,789 个对照和 133,384 个病例)和前列腺癌(61,106 个对照和 79,148 个病例)的最新和最大 GWAS 数据集的汇总统计数据,以调查癌症相关基因组(实用)联盟的改变。应用了两样本孟德尔随机化分析。 结果表明,10 种个体血浆磷脂 FA 与乳腺癌风险和前列腺癌风险没有显着相关性。 结论: 证据不足以支持 10 种血浆磷脂 FA 与乳腺癌和前列腺癌的因果关系。 该文章来源互联网,如有侵权请联系删除。来源:https://cancernursingtoday.com/using-genetic-variants-to-evaluate-the-causal-effect-of-plasma-phospholipid-fatty-acids-on-breast-cancer-and-prostate-cancer-a-mendelian-randomization-study/

塞来昔布辅助治疗 ERBB2 阴性乳腺癌未见获益

在线发表的一项研究,对于 ERBB2 阴性乳腺癌患者,与安慰剂相比,用塞来昔布作为常规治疗的辅助治疗两年没有产生无病生存 (DFS) 益处在JAMA 肿瘤学中。 伦敦帝国理工学院的 R. Charles Coombes, MD, Ph.D. 及其同事在 160 个中心进行了一项随机试验,在 2,639 名 ERBB2(以前称为 HER2)阴性乳腺癌患者中测试了为期两年的塞来昔布辅助治疗与安慰剂治疗。参与者以 2:1 的比例(分别为 1,763 和 876)随机分配到塞来昔布或安慰剂组。 总体而言,73% 的肿瘤是雌激素受体阳性或孕激素受体阳性和 ERBB2 阴性。48% 的患者患有淋巴结阳性疾病,42% 的患者患有 3 级肿瘤。研究人员发现,在 74.3 个月的中位随访期间,487 名患者(19%)报告了 DFS 事件:接受塞来昔布和安慰剂的患者分别为 18% 和 19%(五年 DFS 率分别为 84% 和 83%,分别),未经调整的风险比为 0.97(95% 置信区间,0.80 至 1.17;对数秩 P Read more...


根据最近的研究,通过使用克罗米芬(克罗米芬柠檬酸盐)和促性腺激素接受卵巢刺激的既往无乳腺癌病史的女性与未接受此类治疗的女性相比,患乳腺癌的风险并未增加。 “(生育药物)激素含量很高,在生育治疗的前提下,前半部分非常专注于卵巢刺激,”研究作者、伦敦国王学院生殖医学临床研究员 Yusuf Beebeejaun 博士说,在接受 CURE® 采访时。“为此,我们进行注射或药物治疗,以促进体内激素的产生。一种常用的激素是促卵泡激素,它作用于卵巢并使卵巢产生尽可能多的卵子。” 对与生育治疗相关的乳腺癌的担忧可能与乳房组织对雌激素作用敏感的事实有关。 Beebeejaun 解释说:“从长远来看,一个周期的 IVF(体外受精)治疗可以等同于在那段时间内浓缩的一到两年的月经周期。” “因此,虽然您的身体可以产生该水平的雌激素,但当您进行试管婴儿时,它会呈指数级增长。正是雌激素对乳房的突然上升和指数作用导致了这项关于是否使用 IVF 治疗的研究——因为有不同形式的 IVF,不同形式的这种治疗——他们是否使用所有这些药物组合单独和结合使用都会对乳房组织产生影响并增加患乳腺癌的风险。” 为了消除这种不确定性,伦敦国王学院的研究人员与 King’s Fertility 合作进行了研究,并发表在Fertility and Sterility 上。 研究人员分析了 1990 年至 2020 年 1 月的电子数据库,涉及来自世界各地的 180 万名妇女,她们接受了生育治疗,并且平均随访了 27 年。 “这很重要,因为育龄妇女的年龄介于(大约)21 至 35 岁之间,例如,”Beebeejaun 说。研究人员纳入了所有报告使用促排卵药物的女性乳腺癌新发病率的队列研究。然后将接受治疗的不孕女性与未接受治疗的不孕女性一般人群进行比较。这项荟萃分析是迄今为止评估生育药物的癌症风险的最大研究。 该研究的作者发现,与未接受治疗的女性相比,接受治疗的女性患乳腺癌的风险没有显着增加。 “例如,您可能知道多囊卵巢 (PCOS) 等疾病,”Beebeejaun 解释说。“所以这是不孕症本身的常见原因。或者您可能有需要生育治疗的人,例如试管婴儿,每种情况的药物和治疗方法都不相同,但体内荷尔蒙反应的方式大致相同。”他补充说,这些结果让接受生育治疗的女性更加放心,她们不会增加患乳腺癌的风险。 “有足够的担心生育的观点,因为这是一个情感之旅,”Beebeejaun 说。“我从很多来这里接受生育治疗的患者身上看到了这一点,但您需要意识到这不是一条容易采取的途径。而且这在情感上很费时费力。它需要大量的扫描、大量的监测等。 有了这种治疗安全性的保证,它不会让我或任何可能更敏感的细胞长期患癌症的风险增加需要什么。” 该文章来源互联网,如有侵权请联系删除。来源:https://www.curetoday.com/view/use-of-fertility-drugs-not-associated-with-increased-breast-cancer-risk

Introduction to breast cancer

Description: Mammary cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in women. The incidence rate is 7-10% of all kinds of malignant tumors in the body. It is the second leading cause of women's health. Its incidence is often related to heredity, and between 40 and 60 years old, the incidence of women before and after menopause is higher. It is one of the most common malignancies that usually occurs in breast glandular epithelial tissue, which seriously affects women's physical and mental health and even life-threatening. Breast cancer is rare in men, and only about 1-2% of breast patients are male. Causes: Several known major factors that induce breast cancer: 1 Age: In women, the incidence increases with age, is rare before menarche, and is rare before 20 years old, but the incidence is rapid after 20 years old Rising, 45 to 50 years old is relatively high, but relatively flat, the incidence after menopause continues to rise, reaching the highest peak around 70 years old. Mortality also rises with age, and mortality increases gradually after age 25 and continues to rise until old age. 2 Genetic factors: Women in the family have a history of breast cancer in the first-degree family, and the risk of breast cancer is 2 to 3 times higher than that of the normal population. 3 Other breast diseases. 4 Menarche age: The risk of onset of menarche earlier than 13 years is 2.2 times that of those older than 17 years old. 5 Menopause age: The risk of menopause older than 55 years is greater than that of less than 45 years old. 6 First pregnancy age: The risk increases gradually with the delay of the primiparous age. The risk of primiparity after 35 years of age is higher than that of those without birth history. 7 Postmenopausal supplementation of estrogen: Long-term use of estrogen during menopause may increase the risk of breast cancer. 8 oral contraceptives. 9 Food: Especially a fatty diet can increase the risk of breast cancer. 10 Drinking alcohol. 11 Weight gain may be an important risk factor for breast cancer in postmenopausal women. 12 virus infection 13 radiation effect: easy to improve the risk of breast cancer 14 mental factors: anxiety, stress can inhibit the immunity of anti-cancer (2) pathogenesis (1) genetic factors: Li (1988) reported that the United States has soft tissue Young people with malignant tumors, and some of their children have breast cancer, which is breast cancer syndrome. Studies have shown that some patients in the female mammary gland are caused by the transmission of genetic genes, that is, the younger the age of onset, the greater the genetic predisposition. With the in-depth study of the pathogenesis of hereditary breast cancer, there may be some elaboration in the future. The characteristics of hereditary breast cancer are: 1 the age of onset is mild; 2 is easy to bilateral; 3 in the premenopausal breast cancer patients, their relatives are also prone to premenopausal disease. (2) Gene mutations: Oncogenes can have two synergistic stages but differ in terms of the initiation phase and the initiation phase. At present, the relationship between oncogenes and their products and the occurrence and development of breast cancer has concluded that there are several oncogenes involved in the formation of breast cancer; the first introduction of oncogenes by normal cells does not necessarily cause tumors, which may involve multiple times. Carcinogenesis occurs; oncogenes not only participate in cell mutations during the initiation phase, but also play a role in the formation of breast cancer; in the process of normal breast epithelial-proliferative-carcinogenesis, different genes may be involved. 1 Radiation exposure can cause genetic damage, causing mutations in the chromosomes, leading to breast cancer. 2 endocrine hormones have a proliferative effect on mammary epithelial cells. Animal experiments show that estrogen mainly acts on the stage of cancer formation, while normal female endocrine hormones are in a state of dynamic equilibrium, so the occurrence of breast cancer is directly related to endocrine disorders. Estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, androgen and thyroid hormone are all related to the development of breast cancer. Estrogen levels in the mammary gland are several times higher than estrogen levels in the blood. Cholesterol and its oxidation products in the breast, cholesterol epoxide, induce hyperplasia of mammary epithelial cells, and cholesterol epoxide itself is a mutagenic, carcinogenic, cytotoxic compound. 3 exogenous hormones, such as oral contraceptives, therapeutic estrogen, androgen, etc., can cause imbalance of the above endocrine hormones in the body, resulting in a corresponding effect. 4 The relationship between dietary components and certain metabolites such as fat and breast cancer: The incidence of hypertrophic mice with mammary gland tumors caused by animal and vegetable oils increased. In the initial stage of the carcinogenic effect of carcinogens on mice, increasing the amount of fat does not work, but in the stage of triggering, the amount of fat is increased and the tumor growth is rapidly accelerated. (3) Decreased immune function of the body: The body's immunity is reduced, and the carcinogens and carcinogen-induced mutant cells cannot be removed in time. It is one of the important factors in the host of breast cancer. With the increase of age, the immune function of the body is especially It is a decline in cellular immune function, which is one of the reasons why most tumors including breast cancer are prone to occur in middle-aged and old age. (4) Neurological status: Many breast cancer patients have had trauma before the onset of the disease, indicating that the nervous system is over-stressed and may provide favorable conditions for the induced mutation of the carcinogen. Symptoms: 1. Symptoms and signs Early onset of breast cancer can be asymptomatic, and may develop local and systemic symptoms as the disease progresses. (1) Lump: It is the first symptom of breast cancer. According to foreign reports, most of the masses are located in the outer upper quadrant, followed by the inner upper and the nipple areola area, and the lower part is less. The size of the tumor is different, and it is more common in the size of 2 to 3 cm. Most of them are single-shot, and occasionally multiple. The masses are mostly round or oval, and the borders are unclear. They are generally indurated and have poor mobility. (2) Pain: Most breast cancer patients lack pain symptoms. Breast cancer is not easily detected early because of less pain. Pain often manifests as tingling, pain or dull pain in the breast, such as periodic pain in the breast with cystic hyperplasia of the breast. (3) Breast skin changes: The breast tissue is surrounded by a superficial fascia located under the skin, and the deep fascia is connected by a Cooper ligament. Because the superficial fascia is connected to the skin, when the breast cancer invades the Cooper ligament between the breasts to shorten it, it will pull the skin and make the local skin sag, like a dimple, called "dimple sign." In addition, adhesion of the tumor directly to the skin may also cause this condition. Dimples can appear earlier in breast cancer and are more pronounced when the affected arm moves up and down. 1 redness and swelling: tumors with faster growth and larger volume may have superficial venous engorgement and elevated local skin temperature. The skin may turn red when the tumor is close to the surface of the skin. If the cancer cells block the subcutaneous lymphatics, skin edema can occur and an "orange peel-like change" can occur. Breast skin redness and swelling are most typical of inflammatory breast cancer. The skin color is light red or deep red, and the limited piece quickly spreads to most breasts and even whole milk. At the time of palpation, the whole breast thickened and hardened, the skin temperature increased, and it was swollen and rough, and there was obvious orange peel-like change. 2 skin ulceration: the tumor develops to the advanced stage, the tumor grows up, can make the skin bulge, such as insufficient blood supply, with the skin redness, thinning, can occur ulceration. Patients often have pain, sometimes severe pain. Because the wound has a large amount of necrotic tissue and bloody secretions exudation, patients often have signs of weight loss and anemia. Read more...
