
  弥漫性大 B 细胞淋巴瘤 (DLBCL) 是成人非霍奇金淋巴瘤中最常见的组织学亚型 [1]。在标准化疗中加入利妥昔单抗(一种嵌合单克隆抗体)代表了过去十年中 DLBCL 治疗的最重要进展 [2, 3]。利妥昔单抗针对 CD(簇名称)20,一种在大多数 B 细胞表面表达的细胞表面糖蛋白 [4]。因此,CD 20 表达的鉴定有助于将淋巴瘤鉴定为 B 细胞来源的并且可能对利妥昔单抗敏感。   一小部分 DLBCL 不表达 CD 20。据报道,其中大部分是 DLBCL 的浆母细胞变异(原发性渗出性淋巴瘤、间变性淋巴瘤激酶阳性大 B 细胞淋巴瘤和人类免疫缺陷病毒相关的浆母细胞淋巴瘤),并已被报道与其他 DLBCL 相比具有更差的结果 [5-7]。   我们系统地回顾了过去 13 年来在我们机构诊断的所有 CD 20 阴性 DLBCL 淋巴瘤患者的临床和病理特征。   该研究获得了机构审查委员会对档案材料和患者图表审查的豁免。 1998 年 1 月 1 日至 2011 年 6 月 31 Read more...


  对一种亚型淋巴瘤进行的临床试验的初步结果显示,对于一些疾病没有被其他治疗方法治愈的患者来说,药物伊布替尼可以提供明显的抗癌反应,而且副作用不大。这些结果是作为4月1日美国癌症研究协会(AACR)2012年年会开幕全体会议的一部分,由美国国立卫生研究院(NCI)的研究人员及其同事提出。   淋巴瘤是第五种最常见的癌症形式。它们是由白血球的异常增殖引起的,可以发生在任何年龄段,并且通常以淋巴结比正常大、发烧和体重减轻为标志。本试验所研究的弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤(DLBCL)是侵略性癌症,生长迅速,占新诊断的淋巴瘤的30%至40%。DLBCL起源于B细胞,B细胞在身体的免疫反应中起着关键作用。   十多年来,DLBCL的治疗一直没有取得重大进展。然而,在了解这种疾病至少由三种分子亚型组成方面已经取得了重要进展,每种亚型都是由处于独特发育阶段的B细胞产生的。活化的B细胞(ABC)亚型DLBCL约占40%的病例,在目前的治疗下,其临床结果最差。   最近的遗传学研究显示,位于B细胞表面的受体的慢性活动在ABC淋巴瘤的进展中起着重要作用。在正常B细胞中,这些B细胞受体帮助细胞识别感染。在ABC淋巴瘤的恶性B细胞中,这些受体提供了促进肿瘤细胞生存的关键信号。超过五分之一的ABC肿瘤有改变B细胞受体活性的突变。基于这些发现,研究人员寻找针对B细胞受体信号的治疗方法。这项研究确定了布鲁顿酪氨酸激酶(BTK)是B细胞受体途径中的一个关键元素,它是维持ABC淋巴瘤细胞生存所必需的。   ”我们的试验是精准医疗的一个典型例子,”NCI代谢处副处长Louis Staudt, M.D.,博士说。”对癌细胞变化的更好理解正在引导我们,我们希望这将是更有效的治疗策略,为每个病人的癌症的基因特征量身定做。”   基于这一分子研究,研究人员在临床试验中选择使用BTK的有效抑制剂伊布替尼(原名PCI-32765)这一药物。伊布替尼是一种口服的、高度特异性和不可逆的BTK酶抑制剂。位于加州桑尼维尔的Pharmacyclics公司和位于宾夕法尼亚州霍舍姆的杨森研发公司正在开发这种针对B细胞恶性肿瘤的药物,包括各种形式的白血病、淋巴瘤和多发性骨髓瘤。   在Staudt和他的NCI同事Wyndham Wilson医学博士领导的研究中,ibrutinib首先在NCI的ABC DLBCL试点试验中进行了评估,现在正在DLBCL的一项多中心研究中进行评估。试点试验的结果和正在进行的试验中的个别病例表明,使用伊布替尼的单剂药丸形式可以引起主要的抗淋巴瘤效果,而且副作用很小。   这些研究的参与者以药片形式服用伊布替尼,每天560毫克的固定剂量,直到疾病进展。伊布替尼诱发了多种反应,包括ABC淋巴瘤的一些完全缓解。在非ABC型DLBCL患者中也观察到了缓解,这表明B细胞受体途径在这种类型的淋巴瘤中具有更广泛的作用。最后的分析将为伊布替尼治疗DLBCL的安全性和有效性提供更多见解。   Staudt说:”这些结果说明了对癌细胞内部分子机制的理解如何能够导致新的疗法,这些疗法能够在杀死肿瘤细胞的同时保护正常细胞,从而大大减少对患者的毒副作用。 本文来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除。来源:


  根据发表在《柳叶刀-血液学》上的新研究,正电子发射断层扫描/计算机断层扫描(PET-CT)在测量治疗反应和预测滤泡性淋巴瘤患者的生存率方面比传统CT扫描更准确,应该在临床实践中常规使用。   ”我们的发现对滤泡性淋巴瘤患者有重要意义,这是一种常见的、通常生长缓慢的淋巴瘤。与传统的CT扫描相比,PET-CT在描绘淋巴瘤方面更加准确,而且能更好地识别大多数治疗后长期缓解的患者”,研究负责人、澳大利亚悉尼大学协和医院副教授Judith Trotman解释说。   滤泡性淋巴瘤是一种常见的非霍奇金淋巴瘤类型,几乎所有的患者对免疫化学疗法的初始治疗反应非常好,但复发是很常见的。目前的做法是使用CT成像来评估治疗反应。然而,CT不容易区分那些可能在几年内保持长期缓解的病人和那些早期复发的高风险病人。这给病人带来了很大的不确定性。   PET-CT是使用非常少量的称为18F-氟脱氧葡萄糖(FDG)的示踪剂–含有放射性标签的葡萄糖–注入病人体内。FDG在淋巴瘤细胞中高度集中,因此PET-CT扫描将在淋巴瘤活动的区域发光。治疗的一个重要目标是 “关闭 “这些发光的区域,获得PET阴性的缓解。   通过评估三项临床试验中进行的成像,特罗曼博士和她的法国及意大利同事研究了PET-CT状态与晚期滤泡淋巴瘤一线免疫化疗后的生存率之间的联系。独立的蒙面审查员评估了246名患者的扫描结果,这些患者在最后一剂治疗的3个月内接受了PET-CT和传统CT成像。   PET-CT的预测能力比传统CT强得多,准确地识别了预后不利的患者–PET阳性人群的疾病进展率很高,死亡风险几乎增加了7倍–这些人的癌症应该得到密切监测。PET-CT还发现,83%达到PET阴性的患者的预后令人欣慰,平均缓解期超过6年。   据Trotman教授说:”我们的研究表明,PET-CT在评估治疗反应方面要好得多,是生存的早期预测因素。这种更高的准确性将帮助医生更有效地监测他们的病人。我们预计这项研究将导致PET-CT成像取代CT,成为评估治疗后滤泡性淋巴瘤患者的新黄金标准。重要的是,它将成为未来研究反应适应疗法的平台,旨在改善那些PET阳性的患者的不良后果”。   美国华盛顿特区乔治敦大学隆巴迪综合癌症中心血液学-肿瘤学副主任兼血液学主任Bruce Cheson教授在一篇相关评论中写道:”Trotman及其同事的结果可能会带来几个临床研究机会。其中一个可能性是评估对PET扫描结果的早期反应是否能改善病人的结果。因此,诱导治疗后PET扫描呈阳性的患者可以被随机分配到推迟治疗直到疾病进展或立即干预。一个更好的选择是在那时引入一种独特的药物,如新开发的小分子药物(如idelalisib、ibrutinib或ABT-199)的新型组合。” 本文来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除。来源:


  一项临床试验显示,患有弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤(DLBCL)特定分子亚型的患者比患有该疾病另一种分子亚型的患者更有可能对药物伊布替尼(Imbruvica)产生反应。该研究于2015年7月20日在线发表于《自然医学》。   在这项II期试验中,活化B细胞样(ABC)亚型的DLBCL患者比生殖中心B细胞样(GCB)亚型的DLBCL患者更可能对伊布替尼产生反应。该试验由美国国家癌症研究所(NCI)和加州桑尼维尔的Pharmacyclics公司联合进行,NCI是美国国立卫生研究院的一部分。   淋巴瘤是由白血球的异常增殖引起的,可以发生在任何年龄段。DLBCL是一种侵略性的淋巴瘤,生长迅速,但有可能被治愈。这种疾病在美国新诊断的淋巴瘤中约占30%。   几年前,NCI科学家根据淋巴瘤细胞内基因活动的特征模式确定了DLBCL的两种主要亚型。这些亚型的发现向研究人员表明,可以针对每种亚型开发出有针对性的治疗方法。   在这项工作的基础上,该试验招募了80名复发或对先前治疗没有反应的DLBCL患者。所有患者都接受了依鲁替尼。总体而言,25%的患者出现了肿瘤反应,包括8名完全反应的患者和12名部分反应的患者。   就整个研究人群而言,经过11.5个月的中位随访,中位无进展生存期(直到疾病恶化的时间)和总生存期分别为1.6个月和6.4个月。   基于疾病亚型的分析显示,伊布替尼在37%(38人中的14人)的ABC型DLBCL患者中产生了完全或部分反应,但在GCB型DLBCL患者中只有5%(20人中的1人)。基于这些结果,研究人员得出结论,对于未来涉及伊布替尼的临床试验,ABC型DLBCL基因特征可用于识别更有可能对该药物产生反应的患者。   DLBCL起源于B细胞,它在身体的免疫反应中起着关键作用。伊布替尼的目标是一种叫做布鲁顿酪氨酸激酶(BTK)的酶,是B细胞受体信号传导的一个关键组成部分。这项新研究提供了第一个临床证据,证明ABC肿瘤而不是GBC肿瘤可能产生异常的B细胞受体信号,通过激活BTK促进癌细胞的生存,从而说明ABC肿瘤对伊鲁替尼的敏感性。   NCI癌症基因组学中心医学博士Louis Staudt说:”像这样的临床试验对于将基本的分子发现转化为有效的治疗方法至关重要。”研究的共同负责人、NCI癌症研究中心的医学博士Wyndham Wilson补充说:”这是第一个证明精准医疗在淋巴瘤中重要性的临床研究”。   基于这项研究的结果,新泽西州Titusville的杨森制药公司与Wilson和Staudt博士合作,正在对DLBCL患者(不包括GCB亚型)进行标准化疗与否的国际III期试验。( NCT01855750)。这是第一次设计一个III期试验,有选择地招募具有特定分子亚型的DLBCL患者。该研究的目标是确定在标准化疗中加入伊布替尼是否能提高ABC型DLBCL患者的治愈率。   伊布替尼已被美国食品和药物管理局批准用于治疗某些其他癌症患者,包括套细胞淋巴瘤、慢性淋巴细胞白血病和Waldenström巨球蛋白血症。 本文来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除。来源:


  两种靶向药物的组合–一种已被食品和药物管理局批准,一种正在接受测试–在一项复发或难以治疗的慢性淋巴细胞白血病(CLL)或套细胞淋巴瘤(MCL)患者的一期临床试验中显示了安全性和令人鼓舞的有效性迹象。Dana-Farber癌症研究所的研究人员将在美国血液学会(ASH)第58届年会上报告这些发现。   已获批准的药物伊布替尼和新型药物TGR-1202的组合正在病人身上进行测试,以确定这两种药物是否能安全地同时给药,以及与伊布替尼单独使用相比,它们是否能导致CLL和MCL的更持久缓解。虽然针对细胞蛋白BTK的伊布替尼经常减少复发或耐药的CLL或MCL患者的癌症数量,但它很少消除癌症或对MCL或高风险形式的CLL产生持久的效果。通过将它与阻断P13K-delta蛋白的TGR-1202配对,研究人员希望能使癌细胞生长回路的两个关键部分失效。   截至7月下旬,研究人员已经用这种串联疗法治疗了28名患者–17名CLL患者,11名MCL患者。该方案被证明是安全的,其中800毫克剂量的TGR-1202被认为适合进一步研究。   该研究者发起的试验的主要研究者、丹娜法伯的马修-戴维兹医生说:”这种组合的疗效看起来也很好。Davids将于12月5日星期一上午8点在圣地亚哥会议中心的5AB室介绍这些发现。”我们已经在一名CLL患者身上看到了完全反应–没有癌症的证据,其他几名患者正在接近完全反应,”Davids补充说。   Davids说,这种双药组合的另一个潜在好处是,它可以提供更大的治疗灵活性。如果患者因为暂时的并发症而需要停用其中一种药物,可以继续使用另一种药物,并在并发症消退后恢复双药治疗方案。   虽然CLL患者的试验招募工作已经完成,但MCL患者的招募工作仍在进行中,该研究通过血癌研究伙伴关系在全国多个地点开放,血癌研究伙伴关系是由白血病和淋巴瘤协会资助的丹娜法伯领导的血液恶性肿瘤研究联盟。 本文来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除。来源:

Introduction to malignant lymphoma

Disease Name: Introduction to Malignant Lymphoma: Malignant lymphoma (ML) is an immune cell tumor that occurs in lymph nodes and/or extranodal lymphoid tissues. It is derived from the malignant transformation of lymphocytes or tissue cells. A solid tumor that is cured. Etiology: (1) Causes of the disease It has been proven that many animals such as chicken, mouse, cat and cow malignant lymphoma can be caused by viruses. In humans, although it has been considered for many years that certain clinical manifestations of lymphoma such as fever, hyperhidrosis, and increased white blood cells are very similar to infections in many respects, it has not been proven in recent years that some lymphomas are caused by viruses. Most of the etiology of lymphoma studies began in high-incidence areas or high-risk groups. 1. Viral Human lymphoma was first confirmed to be associated with EBV infection in Burkitt's lymphoma. In Central Africa, the disease mainly occurs in children aged 3 to 12 years old. It is related to certain climatic conditions and can account for more than half of the local children's tumors. Only 5% of the patients are over 20 years old. Although there are scattered patients in other parts of the world, they are rare cases. The genome of Epstein-Barr virus has been found in 98% of Burkitt's lymphoma by cell biology techniques, but only 15% to 20% of Burkitt's lymphomas contain Epstein-Barr virus. The shell antigen antibodies of EB virus in patients in the endemic area were all positive and the titer was high. The risk of developing this tumor in children with positive shell antigen was 30 times that of the control group. Infection with certain mites with Epstein-Barr virus can cause malignant lymphoproliferative lesions similar to Burkitt's lymphoma. Therefore, it is currently believed that this disease is a serious and persistent EB virus infection in children in Africa, the immune function is inhibited, and the oncogene is activated, resulting in the malignant proliferation of B lymphocytes. It is currently believed that malaria transmitted by mosquitoes is only a cofactor, and malaria infection changes the lymphatic network and is susceptible to the triggering of the virus. B cell infection is controlled by T lymphocytes, and viral nuclear proteins (such as EBNA-2, EBNA-3) and membrane proteins (such as LMP-1) can induce B cell proliferation. Epstein-Barr virus infection is also common in HD patients, but the relationship between the two is still unclear. Epstein-Barr virus infection is associated with nasopharyngeal carcinoma and infectious mononucleosis. There have been many reports in the literature that HD can coexist with the latter or occur in patients who have previously had infectious mononucleosis. Recent studies have found that 50% of RS cells have EBV genes on their surface to form their shell RNA, which is the most common type in mixed cell types. Because of the relationship between lymphoma and EB virus in China, it is also highly valued. Due to the high infection area of Epstein-Barr virus in China, the infection rate of Epstein-Barr virus in the normal population is very high. Another important finding is the viral cause of adult T-cell lymphoma. As early as 1987, Gallo et al isolated a type C RNA virus from a tumor tissue of a mycosis fungus, called T cell leukemia lymphoma virus (HTLV-1). This is a very special retrovirus with a single-stranded RNA and an outer envelope. The virus has three structural proteins: core protein, envelope protein and enzyme protein (including viral polymerase and reverse transcriptase). It was proved by Gall et al. that the AIDS virus was isolated from the French scholar Montagnier (human acquired immunodeficiency virus, HIV). To date, this virus (HTLV) has been isolated from tumor specimens from nearly 10 patients with T-cell lymphoma and is considered to be a highly specific virus. At the same time, according to the epidemiological survey of adult T-cell lymphoma, Japanese scholars found that the high incidence occurred in the southern part of the four countries and Kyushu. The peak incidence was in the summer, and the patients were mostly engaged in agriculture, fisheries and forestry, and often had poor nutrition in the past. Factors such as tropical disease infections are likely to be associated with viral and/or filariasis infections. They also isolated RNA viruses independently, called ATLV. After studying ATLV and HTLV, it is also a causative factor of adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia. However, through a large number of serological studies, there is no positive relationship between T cell lymphoma and HTLV-1 (or ATLV) in China. To date, there have been only 4 cases reported in China related to HTLV-1 (or ATLV). The detailed mechanism of the virus causing lymphoma is not fully understood. Viral replication is associated with the production of a retro-acting factor (tax) that induces expression of the REL gene and allows cells to proliferate. There are other factors that require the malignant transformation of cells. Many people in the high-incidence area are infected with HTLV-1, but only a small number of T-cell lymphomas occur. Thus supporting host factors including genetic factors may have an important position. 2. The occurrence of immunosuppressive lymphoma is closely related to immunosuppression. Because of the long-term use of drugs to inhibit the immune mechanism in organ transplantation, the incidence of lymphoma is significantly higher than the general population, and the original is more than the extra-outer, a group of reports can be as high as 69%. In addition, central nervous system invasion is also very high (28%) in patients with general lymphoma (1%). The immunosuppressive drugs used also have an effect on the occurrence of lymphoma. In the cyclophosphamide-based regimen, lymphoma accounts for 26% of primary cancer and occurs earlier. The application of Imari (Azathioprine) only accounts for 11%. In patients with anti-CD3 monoclonal antibodies, lymphoma accounts for 64% of the second primary cancer. Another fact that has received widespread attention is that many patients with primary immunodeficiency and acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS) are also prone to lymphoma and other tumors. Especially in patients with EB virus infection, the incidence of lymphoma is higher. 3. Bacterial infection In recent years, it has been reported that Helicobacter pylori (Hp) can cause chronic gastritis and gastric cancer, and can also cause high incidence of gastric lymphoma. In some patients, lymphoma can be reduced after antibiotic treatment. Some authoritative organizations in the United States, such as NC-CN in recent years, have adopted antibiotic therapy as the preferred method of mucosa-associated lymphoma (MALT). This is the first example of the use of antibiotics to treat tumors. 4. Environmental factors In the early years, the United States reported that the incidence of lymphoma was several times higher than that of the normal population due to the use of pesticides and pesticides in the midwestern farmers. The US Navy has been involved in the development of lymphoma in paint vessels and veterans who have been exposed to fluoride. High, but it is difficult to explain its mechanism. More definitely, the atomic bomb victims, the Hiroshima residents who have received radiation above 1Gy and those who have been treated with spondylitis, have a higher incidence of lymphoma than the normal population. Patients with HD who have undergone radiation and chemotherapy have a significant increase in the second primary cancer, especially large cell lymphoma, and often invade the digestive tract. 5. Some other congenital immunodeficiency diseases, such as telangiectasia ataxia, Wiscott-Aldreich syndrome, Chediak-Hig syndrome, etc. are often complicated by malignant lymphoma. Other so-called "immunoinflammatory" diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sj?gren syndrome (sjogren's syndrome), and immunological hemolytic anemia may be concurrently treated with other long-term immunosuppressive drugs. Malignant lymphoma. The long arm (q) translocation of chromosome 14 is also associated with the development of malignant lymphoma. In addition, long-term use of certain drugs (such as phenytoin, methamphetamine, etc.) can also induce lymphoma. The etiology of malignant lymphoma has shown that many factors are related to the occurrence of this disease, and its specific process and detailed mechanism need to be further clarified. (B) the pathogenesis 1. The pathogenesis of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Due to the different stages of lymphocyte differentiation, different stages of tumor cells can occur in the affected lymph nodes or lymphoid tissues. In the same lesion, there may be poorly differentiated tumor cells or cells with more mature differentiation. As the lesion progresses, the histological type of malignant lymphoma may change, such as nodular type can be transformed into diffuse type. The proliferating tumor tissue may be a single cell component, but since the original pluripotent stem cells may differentiate in different directions, sometimes the cellular components may be more than two or more. In recent years, due to the widespread use of monoclonal antibodies and immunohistochemistry, it has been possible to distinguish T and B lymphocytes at different stages of differentiation. Tumors that occur in subcapsular cortical thymocytes are usually T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and lymphoblastic lymphoma. All other T-cell lymphomas are derived from more mature T cells, positive for CD4, including adult T-cell lymphoma (ATL), mycosis fungoides, Sezary syndrome, and most so-called peripheral T-cell lymphoma (international work) Diffuse large cells, immunoblasts, and mixed lymphoma in the classification) and more than half of T cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. There are some peripheral T-cell lymphoma, nearly half of T-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia and some Tγ lymphoproliferative diseases, CD8 positive. B cell lymphomas have fewer specific antibodies but surface immunoglobulin expression. The earliest B cells have the expression of CD10 and CD19 on the surface, and there are terminal transferases in the cells and recombination of the heavy bond genes. Later, the cells express CD20, the μ heavy bond is generated in the cytoplasm, the recombination of the K light bond gene, the recombination of the λ light bond gene, and the terminal transferase loss. These represent the developing pre-B cell stage. After the cell loses the expression of CD10, it becomes an immature B cell with IgM expression on its surface. IgD and IgM are produced on the surface of the cell surface expressing CD21 receptor (C3d). The developmental stage of all B cells occurs under antigenic stimulation, and the immunoglobulin genes are activated and secreted after being stimulated by the antigen. Thereafter, the cells lose CD21, CD20 and surface immunoglobulin, and the markers PC-1 and PC-2 of the plasma cells are secreted to secrete immunoglobulin. This is the development process of B cells in the cell follicle center, which becomes lymphocytic lymphoma after malignant transformation. The maturation of the B-cells in the follicular center and the initiation of the immunoglobulin genes are regulated by T helper cells, but there are also some unknown B lymphocytes. The B cells in the mantle cell area appear to be relatively less affected by T cells, which are CD5 positive, which is a full T cell marker and appears to be independent of immunoglobulin. Most acute lymphocytic leukemias are derived from pre-B cells, Burkitt lymphomas and leukemias are derived from surface IgM-positive immature B cells, and most follicular and diffuse B-cell lymphomas are derived from mature or activated B cells. Macroglobulinemia (Waldenstrom syndrome) and multiple myeloma are derived from the terminal stage of differentiation. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia expresses CD5, and diffuse moderately differentiated lymphoma expresses CD5 and CD10, suggesting that these are from the mantle cell region. B cells that are not follicular centers. The immunophenoty and clinical manifestations of some lymphomas are still very confusing. Diffuse large cell lymphoma may be the most heterogeneous, and may be derived from B cells, T cells, and tissue cells. Therefore, the prognosis of these patients does not depend entirely on clinical stage. Adult T-cell lymphoma is derived from mature T cells from an immunophenotype, but clinical manifestations are very dangerous, lymphoblastic lymphoma from immature T cells. These are for further study, especially the role of different genes in them. 2. The pathogenesis of Hodgkin's lymphoma Most patients with classic Hodgkin's lymphoma have clonal cytogenetic abnormalities, which vary with different cases, and the abnormalities within the clones are also heterogeneous, suggesting chromosomes Unstable. Many cases show 14q abnormalities, similar to B-cell lymphoma, but t(14;18) abnormalities rarely occur. Two groups used fluorescence in situ hybridization (with or without fluorescent immunophenotyping) and found that RS cells in all Hodgkin's lymphoma cases showed abnormal clone values. In the early reports, Bcl-2 rearrangements were found in about one-third of Hodgkin's lymphoma, but no Bcl-2 rearrangements were detected in other laboratories. Moreover, Bcl-2 rearrangement is also found in highly reactive tissues such as reactive tonsils. The EBV-associated transforming protein is capable of upregulating Bcl-2 in cultured cells, and this evidence further indicates the relationship between Bcl-2 expression and Hodgkin's lymphoma. The conclusions obtained from immunohistochemical studies of Bcl-2 overexpression are not consistent. However, Bcl-2 expression appears to be unrelated to histology, EBV( ) or t(14;18) translocation, and enhancement of Bcl-2 expression may be present in background cells and does not play an important role in the pathogenesis of Hodgkin's lymphoma. . However, a group of researchers applied cytogenetic analysis to clearly confirm the presence of Bcl-2 rearrangement in tumor cells without t(14;18). Recently, a novel inhibitor of apoptosis, Bcl-X(L), was found in Hodgkin's lymphoma, and Bcl-X(L) was positive in 94% of Hodgkin's lymphoma, and most RS cells were highly expressed. . The rate of expression in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is low (<20%), except for reticular central lymphoma. Therefore, it is speculated that the abnormal expression of Bcl-X(L) in RS may be the cause of Hodgkin's lymphoma. No correlation was found between Bcl-X (L) and EBV expression. By immunohistochemical analysis, P53 tumor suppressor gene expression has been detected in Hodgkin and other lymphomas of CD30. However, recent studies have found that there are no P53 mutations in Hodgkin and RS cells in 8 Hodgkin's lymphomas. Recently, Humboldt et al reported that IκBα mRNA was overexpressed in HRS cells from lymph node biopsy samples from patients with HL, and IκBα gene mutation was detected, resulting in a C-terminal truncated protein, suggesting that this protein could not inhibit NF-κB-DNA binding activity. It prevents the apoptosis of HRS cells and triggers proliferation. Therefore it is related to the pathogenesis of HL. The cytogenetic data of NLPHL is scarce, and the results of cytogenetic abnormalities are also inconsistent. Of the large series of HLs reported by Tilly et al, there is only one NLPHL, which has a 46XY karyotype. Hansmann et al. reported a case of high diploid NLPHL, 6q-, 2l, and several unclear markers. The study found that the DEV cell line originating from NLPHL has the following karyotype abnormalities: 48, XXY, t (3; 14) (3; 22), t (3; 7), del3, -2, 12, mar. Analysis of ploidy of HL, 3 of 5 NLPHL were aneuploid, no tetraploid was detected, and tetraploid was common in classical HL. Bcl-2 gene rearrangement was detected in only a small number of cases, and immunohistochemistry was used to detect Bcl-2 protein expression, and the number of positive cases was small. Based on this, it is speculated that Bcl-2 translocation may not play an important role in the onset of NLPHL. The origin of tumor cells, it has long been believed that different histological types in HL represent morphological variations of the same disease, with HRS cells in a reactive background, and each tissue subtype has a characteristic cellular composition. In the past 20 years, people have gradually found that the above concepts are only partially correct. For example, nodular lymphocyte-based HL is different from other types of HL and is a different biological disease. (1) Cellular origin of HRS in classical HL: The earliest immunohistochemical study on Ig expression of IRS, such as Garvin et al in 1974 and subsequent Taylor, etc., their study confirmed that HRS expression of IgG was obtained in HL biopsy specimens, indicating HRS Originated from Ig-producing B cells, but other immunohistochemical studies have shown that HRS originates from non-lymphoid cells. Subsequent to the application of monoclonal antibody technology, CD30 molecules were discovered. It was demonstrated that HRS of classical HL selectively expressed CD30, whereas normal individuals were only expressed in some activated lymphoblasts. This data demonstrates for the first time that HRS is the origin of lymphocytes. Gene level studies showed that clonal Ig gene rearrangement occurred in HRS, and 12 cases were detected in 13 cases of HL in the Rajewsk series. stein also reported that 24 cases were rearranged in 25 cases, which proved that 95% of HLs are B cell origin. . Sequence analysis demonstrated a high load of somatic mutations in the rearranged V region. Since some classical HLs of HRS cells express one or more T cell antigens and 40% of the cell lines in HL have T cell phenotypes and genotypes, it is speculated that the remaining 5% of classical HL originates from transformed T cells. However, this speculation cannot be confirmed because the rearranged TCR gene has not been detected in HRS cells. Recent studies have found that classical HL originates from germinal center B cells rather than germinal center B cells; B cell line progeny can undergo two independent transformations, one forming HRS cells and the other forming NHL; producing HL transformation Cells that completely altered the morphological and immunophenotype of normal progenitor cells (not expressing CD20, CD10, Bcl-6, and IgM and down-regulating the mutational machinery, expressing CD30 and CD15) and converting to NHL retained more or less B cell lines. The characteristics of the ancestors. The population of HRS cells in a particular case is completely derived from a single transformed cell and clones proliferate. In the WHO (2001) classification, nodular lymphocyte-based Hodgkin's lymphoma is derived from the B cell of the germinal center of the germinal center, while 98% of the classical Hodgkin's lymphoma is in the differentiation stage of the germinal center. Mature B cells. (2) Cell origin of lymphocytes and/or histiocytes (H and L) in NLPH: lymphocyte-based HL, a characteristic tumor cell [lymphocytes and/or tissue cells (H and L)] The subtype is related to the huge nodule of the germinal center for progressive transformation. Immunohistochemical studies have shown that H and L cells are a series of B cells. Because they express a large number of B cell markers including CD19, CD20, CD22, CD79a and J chain, and recent molecular studies have also suggested: H and L. Cells are central cells of transformation. In the major clonal populations, immunoglobulin heavy chains continue to undergo somatic hypermutation. In developed countries, EBV is rarely associated with H and L cells and may not be associated with the disease. H and L cells are often used by CD3, CD4 Read more...
