
在一项针对小鼠的新研究中,约翰霍普金斯医学研究人员报告说,使用 MRI 扫描来测量大脑中的血容量可以作为一种非侵入性方式来跟踪早期亨廷顿病的基因编辑疗法的进展,亨廷顿病是一种攻击神经退行性疾病的疾病脑细胞。研究人员表示,通过使用这种类型的基因疗法识别和治疗已知会导致亨廷顿病的突变,在患者开始出现症状之前,它可能会减缓疾病的进展。 该研究的结果于 5 月 27 日发表在《大脑》杂志上。 “这项研究令人兴奋的是,有机会确定一种可靠的生物标志物,可以在患者开始出现症状之前追踪基因疗法的潜在成功,”转化神经生物学实验室主任、医学博士、医学博士、医学博士段文振说。约翰霍普金斯大学医学院精神病学和行为科学专业。“这样的生物标志物可以促进新疗法的开发,并帮助我们确定开始它们的最佳时间。” 亨廷顿病是一种罕见的遗传病,由人类 4 号染色体上的单个缺陷基因(称为“亨廷顿”)引起。该基因从父母传给孩子——如果父母一方有突变,每个孩子都有 50% 的机会遗传它。亨廷顿病无法治愈,并可能导致情绪障碍、智力丧失和不受控制的运动。由于基因检测,人们可以在症状出现之前很久就知道他们是否患有这种疾病,这通常发生在 40 多岁或 50 多岁。 在这项研究中,段和她的团队合作与肯尼迪克里格研究所在马里兰州巴尔的摩市,谁开发了一种新方法,能够更精确地测量同事血量在大脑利用先进的功能性核磁共振成像扫描。通过扫描,他们可以映射的轨迹血流量小血管称为小鼠的设计,以携带反映亨廷顿氏病的早期阶段在人类亨廷顿的人类基因突变的大脑动脉。 Duan 指出,亨廷顿舞蹈症患者的大脑中有许多已知的代谢变化,这些变化会在疾病的早期阶段引发脑血容量反应。血容量是脑细胞供氧的关键标志,而脑细胞又为神经元功能提供能量。但是对于亨廷顿病,大脑的小动脉血容量急剧减少,随着疾病的进展,这使得神经元由于缺氧而恶化。 在一系列实验中,研究人员使用一种称为 CRISPR 的基因编辑技术抑制了小鼠亨廷顿基因的突变,CRISPR 是一种编辑基因组的工具,可以通过改变 DNA 序列来修改基因功能。然后,他们使用 MRI 扫描技术和其他测试来跟踪具有亨廷顿基因突变的小鼠(他们编辑出有缺陷的基因序列)和对照组小鼠(其中有缺陷的基因未经编辑)随时间推移的大脑功能。 实验评估了亨廷顿病突变小鼠在 3、6 和 9 个月大时(分别是症状前阶段、症状开始阶段和症状后阶段)的小动脉血容量轨迹异常。研究人员研究了抑制神经元中突变的亨廷顿基因是否可以使症状前阶段改变的小动脉血容量正常化,以及亨廷顿基因在症状前阶段的表达减少是否可以延迟甚至阻止症状的发展。 “总的来说,我们的数据表明,脑小动脉血容量测量可能是一种很有前途的非侵入性生物标志物,用于在尚未表现出疾病症状的亨廷顿舞蹈症患者中测试新疗法,”段说。“在这个早期阶段引入治疗可能会带来长期的好处。” 当研究人员绘制脑血容量轨迹图并对 3 个月大的小鼠进行各种大脑和运动测试,并将测试与对照组的测试进行比较时,除了脑血容量外,他们没有观察到显着差异。然而,带有亨廷顿基因的小鼠的亨廷顿病症状在 6 个月大时开始,并在 9 个月大时逐渐恶化,这表明脑血容量的改变发生在运动症状和脑细胞萎缩之前——这种疾病的典型特征。 还发现脑血容量的变化与亨廷顿病患者开始出现症状之前观察到的相似,随着症状的开始和疾病随着时间的推移而下降。 研究人员还分析了具有突变亨廷顿基因的小鼠在 3 个月和 9 个月大时大脑中小动脉血管的结构,发现症状前阶段的血管节段数量没有差异。然而,他们观察到较小的血管具有增加的密度和减小的直径,这可能是补偿受损神经元脑功能的血管反应。研究人员得出结论,这可能表明,血管结构受损会导致小动脉血容量降低,并可能损害补偿症状阶段损失的能力。 考虑到亨廷顿舞蹈症的症状不仅取决于脑细胞损失,还取决于神经元如何恶化,研究人员着手确定在小鼠出现症状前阶段抑制亨廷顿基因是否可以延迟甚至阻止疾病进展。为此,研究人员在 2 Read more...


大脑不是受伤或疾病的被动接受者。研究表明,当神经元死亡并破坏它们与其他神经元保持的信息自然流动时,大脑会通过重定向其他神经元网络的通信来进行补偿。这种调整或重新布线一直持续到损坏超出补偿范围。 这种调整过程是大脑可塑性或其改变或重组神经网络能力的结果,发生在神经退行性疾病中,例如阿尔茨海默氏症、帕金森氏症和亨廷顿氏病 (HD)。随着病情的发展,许多基因改变了它们的正常表达方式,使一些基因上升而另一些基因下降。研究 HD 的 Juan Botas 博士等研究人员面临的挑战是确定哪些基因表达变化与引起疾病有关,哪些有助于减轻损害,因为这对于设计有效的治疗干预措施至关重要。 在贝勒医学院的实验室中,Botas 和他的同事希望了解是什么导致HD 中神经元之间的通讯或突触丢失。到目前为止,研究主要集中在神经元上,因为正常的亨廷顿基因(其突变导致这种情况)有助于维持健康的神经元通讯。在当前的工作中,研究人员从不同的角度研究了 HD 中的突触损失。 关注神经胶质以了解亨廷顿舞蹈症 突变的亨廷顿基因不仅存在于神经元中,而且存在于体内的所有细胞中,这开启了其他细胞类型也可能参与该病症的可能性。“在这项研究中,我们专注于神经胶质细胞,这是一种与神经元对神经元通讯同样重要的脑细胞,”贝勒大学分子和人类遗传学以及分子和细胞生物学教授、贝勒大学成员博塔斯说。德克萨斯儿童医院的 Jan 和 Dan Duncan 神经学研究所。 “我们认为神经胶质可能在促进或补偿亨廷顿病中观察到的损害方面发挥作用。” 最初被认为只是管家细胞,结果证明神经胶质在促进正常的神经元和突触功能方面具有更直接的作用。在之前的一项工作中,Botas 和他的同事研究了 HD 的果蝇模型,该模型在神经元中表达了人类突变亨廷顿 (mHTT) 基因,以了解HD 中发生的众多基因表达变化中哪些是导致疾病的,哪些是补偿性的。 “一类补偿性变化影响了参与突触功能的基因。神经胶质可能参与其中吗?” 博塔斯说。“为了回答这个问题,我们创造了只在神经胶质、神经元或两种细胞类型中表达 mHTT 的果蝇。” 比较基因表达的变化 研究人员通过比较健康人类与人类 HD 受试者以及 HD 小鼠和果蝇模型中存在的基因表达变化来开始他们的研究。他们发现了许多基因,它们的表达在所有三个物种中都以相同的方向变化,但当他们发现 HD 会降低有助于维持神经元连接的神经胶质细胞基因的表达时,他们特别感兴趣。 “为了研究这些基因在神经胶质细胞中表达的减少是否有助于疾病进展或缓解,我们在 HD 果蝇模型中对神经元、神经胶质细胞或两种细胞类型中的每个基因进行了操作。然后我们确定了基因表达对果蝇神经系统功能的影响,”博塔斯说。 他们使用高通量自动化系统评估果蝇的神经系统健康状况,该系统可定量评估运动行为。该系统拍摄了苍蝇自然爬上管子的过程。健康的苍蝇很容易攀爬,但是当它们的移动能力受到影响时,苍蝇就很难攀爬。研究人员研究了苍蝇的运动方式,因为 HD 的特征之一是正常身体运动的逐渐中断。 关闭基因起作用了 结果表明,在 HD 中,抑制参与突触组装和维持的神经胶质基因具有保护作用。研究人员故意拒绝突触基因的果蝇在其神经胶质细胞中带有突变亨廷顿基因的果蝇比突触基因没有被降低的果蝇能更好地爬上管子。 “我们的研究表明,受 Read more...

Introduction to Huntington's disease

Description: Huntington disease (HD) is a dominant hereditary nervous system degenerative disease characterized by involuntary movement, mental disorders and progressive dementia. It belongs to the category of gene dynamic mutation or polyglutamine repeat disease. Because of the prominent clinical symptoms of Huntington's disease, the disease was named as big chorea, Huntington's disease, chronic progressive chorea or hereditary chorea. The disease was first described by the American physician Huntington in 1872. In 1911, Alzheimer observed the pathological changes. In 1993, the pathogenic gene was identified in the fourth pair of autosomal short arms 63. The protein, named Huntingtin. Pathological changes are characterized by the loss of nerve cells in the striatum and cerebral cortex. Recently, ubiquitin-positive neuronal inclusions and dystrophic neurites have been found in the cerebral cortex. Etiology: (A) the cause of the disease Huntington disease is an autosomal dominant genetic disease affecting the striatum and cerebral cortex, showing a complete penetrance rate, 50% of the offspring of the affected individuals. HD is caused by the mutation of Huntingtin gene of short arm 4p16.3 of chromosome 4, and the gene product is repeated amplification of CAG trinucleotide to produce Huntingtin protein. Normal humans have 11 to 34 CAG repeats and HD is more than 40. As long as the genetic pathogenic gene, or symptoms appear sooner or later, there is no significant difference in the clinical symptoms of homozygotes and heterozygotes, and occasionally sporadic cases. According to the age of onset, HD can be divided into young (pre-age 20) and adult. The genetic characteristics of the disease include early detection, and there is a tendency of continuous morbidity in the offspring; the early onset tendency of paternal descent is more obvious, and both of these phenomena are related to the instability leading to HD mutation. HD in sporadic cases (ie, no positive family history) accounted for approximately 1% of all HD patients. The cases reported by Huntington are descendants of British immigrants from the United States. The ancestors of more than 1,000 HD patients can be traced back to 6 people immigrated from the UK in 1630. One of them can be traced back to 300 years for 12 generations. patient. Many patients in the United States are descendants of two brothers who immigrated to Long Island in the United States. Negretee (1958) found many HD patients in the small fishing village of San Luis, Venezuela, all of whom were descendants of a woman who had HD in 150 years ago. The progeny of the mutated gene affects the age of onset. The juvenile HD is more common in paternal inheritance, and the older disease is mostly maternally inherited. Another 4 pairs of single-oval twins were found to be almost the same age. The average prevalence rate of this disease is 50% per generation, and both men and women are also affected. Some members of the family are afflicted with this disease. Once the family is ill, it must be passed on from generation to generation. (B) pathogenesis Although the gene mutation point has been clear, but the pathogenesis of Huntington's disease is still unclear, the main theory of the pathogenesis is lipid peroxidation leading to abnormal energy metabolism, the latter further cause cell excitotoxicity and apoptosis. Huntingin and ubiquitin appear together in the nucleus inclusions in the nucleus of the patient's striatum and cortex, as well as in dystrophic axons, but what is the relationship between Huntingin and these pathogenic factors, and by what way leads to nerve cells Apoptosis is still unclear. The possible pathways are: 1. Degeneration of nerve cells at different sites by the cytotoxicity of Huntingin. 2. The combination of huntin and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase leads to abnormal energy metabolism, and the activity of the caudate nucleus mitochondrial respiratory chain complex II/III is decreased, which further leads to selective neuronal apoptosis. 3. The binding of the puttin-related protein to the multi-glutamine chain of Huntingin also affects its function, further altering cellular functions, including regulation of gene translation, interaction of proteins, intracellular and intranuclear protein transport, and Transport of vesicles. The pathological changes are mainly the loss of cerebral cortex and striatum cells, atrophy of the cerebral cortex, and the middle of the brain is the first to be affected by gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and enkephalin and projecting to the lateral part of the globus pallidus. The caudate nucleus and the putamen are severely affected, a large number of neurons are degenerated, small ganglion cells are severely damaged, large ganglion cells are slightly invaded, glial cells are proliferated, and the ventricles are generally enlarged. In the basal ganglia of HD patients, the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA and its biosynthetic enzymes glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), Ach and biosynthetic enzyme choline acetyltransferase were all decreased, DA content was normal or slightly increased, resulting in muscle tone Reduce, increase the movement. Neuropeptides such as substance P, methionine, enkephalin, dynorphin, etc. in the basal gangus are reduced, and somatostatin and neuropeptide Y are increased. PET showed a reduced anatomical normal caudate nucleus glucose utilization. Some scholars believe that in the pathogenesis of pathophysiology, it is due to damage to the basal ganglia-thalamic-cortical loop. There are two projection systems that connect the afferent and efferent structures of the basal ganglia: a single synaptic "direct" pathway between the striatum and the pallidal inner segment and the substantia nigra reticular, which is inhibitory, GABA and substance P are used as neurotransmitters; 2 through the "indirect pathway" of the globus pallidus and the subthalamic nucleus, in this pathway, between the striatum and the globus globular ganglion and the globus pallidus and hypothalamus The projections between the nucleus are both inhibitory and GABAergic, while the subthalamic nucleus-pallidal ganglia pathway is glutamatergic. Activation of the direct pathway inhibits the activity of the output nucleus, thereby de-suppressing the thalamic cortical projection neurons. Conversely, activation of the indirect pathway has a net excitatory effect on the inner segment of the globus pallidus and the substantia nigra reticular, thereby inhibiting the neurons of the thalamus cortex. In the early stages of Huntington's chorea, the striatum to the globus pallidus (LGP) projection system selectively degenerates. The neurons that cause striatal neurons to the outer segment of the globus pallidus are selectively reduced, resulting in an increase in STN inhibitory activity by LGP neurons, resulting in a decrease in STN release impulses, ie, basal ganglia (MGP, substantia nigra SNr and SNc) excitatory impulse release is attenuated, which in turn causes enhanced feedback inhibition of the cortex by the ventrolateral nucleus (VL) of the thalamus. This can result in a partial dance or a hemiballismus. Symptoms: Huntington's disease is autosomal dominant. The incidence of children is 50%. Paternal genetic predominance is earlier in the disease, while maternal hereditary predominance is later. However, if the mother is already ill, during the pregnancy, most of the fetuses are aborted due to the interaction between the mother and the fetus. Children born by the paternal line can survive. Like other polyglutaminic repeats, the genetics of Huntington's disease is genetically early, that is, one generation is earlier than the first generation, and one generation is heavier than the first generation. The clinical symptoms of Huntington's disease include three aspects, namely, dyskinesia, cognitive impairment, and mental disorders, all of which can appear as first symptoms. 1. The dyskinesia of progressive development of dyskinesia is characterized by sudden, rapid beating or twitching of the extremities, face, and trunk. These movements are not known in advance, and can also be expressed as slow movements that cannot be controlled. Physical examination revealed involuntary movements and dystonia. Dance-like involuntary movements are the most prominent features of this disease. Most of them begin to appear as short-term uncontrollable grimace, nodding and finger flexion and extension exercises, similar to painless convulsions, but slower and non-stereotype. As the disease progresses, the involuntary movement progresses progressively, and the typical eyebrows and head flexion appear. When the object is looked at, the head rotates, and the patient walks with instability, gait, and constantly changing the posture of the hand. The action is like dancing. In the later stages of the disease, patients cannot stand and walk due to involuntary movements. Even if sitting is not stable, the body twists, suddenly stands up and suddenly sits down, after the bed, the torso and limbs are still twisting. When the disease develops, the casual movement is more and more damaged, the movement is awkward, slow, stiff, unable to maintain complex random movements, dysphagia, speech, vomiting and dysarthria. Abnormal eye movements were abnormal. In the late stage of the disease, the voluntary movement slows down, showing a stupor state in which the limbs cannot move. Most patients have reflexes and feel normal. Dance-like dyskinesia is a typical dyskinesia of adult Huntington's disease. In the juvenile type patients (5% to 10% of Huntington's disease) who started on the age of 20, the permanent muscle rigidity was the main movement disorder. It is characterized by myotonia and myoclonus, and in the late stage, it is a kyphosis. In addition, unlike adult patients, about 50% of juvenile Huntington's patients have generalized seizures. 2. Cognitive Disorder Progressive dementia is another feature of Huntington's disease patients. Dementia is characterized by subcortical dementia in the early stage, and is characterized by cortical and subcortical mixed dementia. Cognitive impairment can occur early in Huntington's disease. It began to show a decline in memory and computing power in daily life and work. Patients remember that new information was only slightly damaged, but the information was modified to make it difficult to store effectively, and the memory was also significantly defective. Due to the fluency of words, the function of visual space, and the ability to judge social and interpersonal relationships, patients become more chaotic and change in personality. Changes in speech, including bad oral fluency tests, mild difficulty in finding words and dysarthria. Oral fluency damage is one of the earliest cognitive functions detected by Huntington's disease. In the mid and late stages of the disease, patients are unable to complete language tests that require organizational, continuous, and linguistic processing, nor can they complete naming tests that recall less common words. But these tests also require memory and cognitive skills that go beyond the language. There are no typical idioms and aphasia, but the vocal and rhythmic disorders are prominent features of the patient. Dance-like dyskinesia often affects the tongue and lips, destroying the rhythm and agility of the pronunciation, hindering the volume, speed, rhythm and length of the speech, making the spoken language an outbreak. Huntington's patients can continue to communicate with people because they still retain the recognition memory of the words and the identification of the opponents and the ability to name them. As the disease progresses, concentration and judgment are progressively impaired. The patient lacks the ability to initiate a problem-solving behavior. It is particularly difficult to work on tasks that require planning and continuous scheduling. The ability to view space is declining and it is difficult to judge the structure. In the frontal system test that requires continuous motion, it is difficult to continuously change the hand. 3. Mental disorders The first changes in mental state are changes in personality behavior, including anxiety, nervousness, irritability, or sullenness, or untidyness, and loss of interest, antisocial behavior, schizophrenia, paranoia, and hallucinations. Affective disorders are the most common psychiatric symptoms and occur more often before dyskinesias occur. Because the affective disorder occurs before the patient's dyskinesia occurs, or before understanding the characteristics of his family's disease, it is not a reactive disorder. In addition, the incidence of depressive symptoms is also high, and patients with severe depressive symptoms such as early detection and timely treatment can prevent suicide. The neurological and psychiatric disorders of Huntington's disease are progressively declining, and finally the patient is in a state of sillyness and silence. 4. Juvenile Huntington's disease begins in children and adolescents. About 10% of the onset starts before the age of 20, and about 5% of the age is less than 4 years old. The clinical manifestations are different from those of adult HD. The course of disease progresses rapidly, and dystonia is a prominent manifestation. It often replaces dance-like exercise with strong straightness. Parkinson syndrome, cerebellar ataxia, abnormal eye movement, myoclonus and seizures can be seen, and mental deterioration and behavioral abnormalities may occur. Some patients show excessive exercise. In a few cases, the motor symptoms are atypical (Westphal variant), showing progressive muscle rigidity and decreased exercise. The dance-hand and foot movements are not obvious, and are more common in children or those before the age of 20 years. Epilepsy and cerebellar ataxia are also common features of adolescents, with dementia and family history suggestive diagnosis. The clinical diagnostic criteria for Huntington's disease are: 1. Family history of typical HD. 2. Progressive motor abnormalities caused by other factors are accompanied by dance and stiffness. 3. Mental disorders caused by other factors are accompanied by progressive dementia. Imaging studies have found that symmetrical caudate nucleus atrophy can further support the diagnosis of Huntington's disease. In patients with symptomatic Huntington's disease, levodopa is known to increase dance-like movements. Patients with levodopa-induced dance-like movements are more likely to develop this disease than those who do not. The patient has clinical manifestations for early diagnosis. There is a certain false negative reaction in this test, and the negative result cannot completely exclude the possibility of onset. PET examination revealed a decrease in glucose metabolism in the caudate nucleus, which can also occur in patients with subclinical status and can be used as an ultra-early diagnosis. In subclinical patients, if the genetic test reveals that the Huntin gene (TT15) trinucleotide tandem repeat abnormality extends more than 40, the diagnosis can be further confirmed. Because Huntington's disease has a completely explicit autosomal dominant genetic feature, early genetic diagnosis of Huntington's disease is of great significance, providing a reliable basis for prenatal diagnosis and genetic counseling. Diagnosis: Most patients with Huntington's disease have a family history, but some patients have been found by genetic testing, so they need to be differentiated from other types of hereditary and sporadic chorea. In familial diseases, dentate nucleus - red nucleus - globus pallidus - subthalamic nucleus atrophy, benign hereditary chorea and familial erythrocytosis have similar clinical features. Sporadic chorea mainly includes drug, pregnancy, vascular disease, hyperthyroidism, systemic lupus erythematosus, lupus anticoagulant syndrome, polycythemia, AIDS and rheumatic chorea. A detailed clinical examination and necessary auxiliary examinations for the patient contribute to the differential diagnosis of Huntington's disease. 1. Benign familial chorea An autosomal dominant, recessive and sexually linked central nervous system disease, divided into three types: early infant, childhood and early adolescent. The typical clinical symptoms are non-progressive dance performance. It differs from Huntington's disease in that both intelligence and spirit are normal, and there are no obvious abnormal changes in imaging examination. Genetic testing found that the genes of early onset are located on autosome 14p and can be treated with dopamine receptor antagonists. Recently, whether the disease is a disease An independent disease or a disease syndrome is questioned. 2. Rheumatic chorea is a kind of benign and self-limited disease. The pathological changes are mainly basal inflammatory lesions. The main onset time is 5 to 15 years old, and there are more women after 11 years old. There are many mental disorders in the onset, and then involuntary movements, mostly involving the face, may be accompanied by dysarthria and dysphagia. Involuntary movements are more abrupt, burst, beating and twitching, and dance like Huntington's disease. Different sports and non-stereotypes, some children have low muscle tone, and dementia is rare. The duration of the first onset does not exceed 6 months, but 25% of patients have recurrence after 2 years of onset. Some patients may be accompanied by rheumatic fever, myocarditis and arthritis. There was no abnormal change in imaging examination. Early treatment with penicillin and hormones can be used, but the natural course of chorea can not be shortened. 3. Neuroacupuncture A recessive hereditary disease associated with damage to the central nervous system and peripheral nerves, characterized by progressive neurodegeneration, with dance-like movements and spinous erythrocytosis. According to hereditary methods, it is divided into two types: autosomal recessive or dominant hereditary chorea, spinous polycythemia, and X-linked Mcleod syndrome. Clinical manifestations have many features in common with Huntington's disease. This disease is more than 15 to 35 years old. It begins with the dance of the limbs and trunk and the movement of the orthostatic movement. It can also show the manifestations of dystonia and Parkinson's syndrome, often combined with peripheral neuropathy. The dyskinesia continues to cause disability and deaths between the ages of 50 and 70. Patients can have serious behavioral disorders and mood changes, but dementia is not obvious. Head CT examination showed atrophy of the striatum, especially the head atrophy of the caudate nucleus. Blood smear examination revealed that the red blood cells in the peripheral blood were erythrocytes. Serum creatine phosphokinase and lactate dehydrogenase levels can be increased. Neurogenic muscle atrophy is seen in electromyography and muscle biopsy. Neuropathological examination is similar to Huntington's disease. The caudate nucleus and the putamen atrophy, small cells disappear, and large neurons are preserved, but there are no ubiquitin and puttin-positive neuronal inclusions in the nerve cells. Clinically, the difference between neurocytic erythrocytosis and Huntington's disease is: recessive heredity, no obvious dementia, peripheral neuropathy and neuromuscular atrophy, erythrocytosis, pathological changes, no Huntingtin-positive neuronal nuclear inclusions . 4. Other types of chorea Read more...
